Application Build
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Forum Posts

Resolved! "Cancelled by system" task status

Hi, we see some of our automated tasks cancelled by the system (e.g. task status = Cancelled by System in task activity) every now and again, and don't really understand why this occurs. Can someone shed some light on why this happens and how to prev...

alex by New Contributor II
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Metadata Extract

All,Is there a way to extract metadata(entity dimension) with just parent child relationship information and not all the application member properties using the usual export process?

OS_Love by New Contributor III
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Resolved! Button to call DM job or run Consolidation in Excel

Hi Experts, We are working on create a button in Excel for end users to trigger DM job or Consolidation. Idea here is to have more than one consolidation with different POVs and don't want to rely on the users to get the POVs/data units selected. We ...

Pseudo Admin Role

We created a customized application support security group (Pseudo Admin role) which excludes the accesses of cube view form input, JE create/post and user security provisioning. This is required by internal control as segregation of duties. We updat...

yalixie by New Contributor III
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