Application Build
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Deleting unused Dimension from Cube

Hello, Is it possible to remove user defined dimension association from cube (Application>Cubes>Cube Dimensions)? We've an unused dimension initially created but now we'd like to remove it, as all data is loaded at None member. But when we try to cha...

Gaurav by New Contributor III
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WebServer Cannot Access AppServer

Recent installation of WebServer and 3 AppServers.When I log on to the WebServer and attempt to hit "http://localhost:50001/OneStreamWeb/OneStreamXF.aspx, I get an error that says 'Unable to access application server using address "http://[Ap...

Cube View Row Display Question

Hey All. I have a cube view for a client that contains a decently sized row count. I don't really understand why Data Explorer will only format the cube view to have 4 rows per page. Does the red paging mean anything?
