Valued Contributor


Standard Microsoft supported fonts are utilized in OneStream

Source: Office Hours 2020-05-17 Partner Enablement

Update 07/02/2024

Note that one can use any font that has been installed in Windows on the OneStream servers.

The interface only lists a subset of fonts produced by standard Microsoft libraries; but in recent versions any font can be invoked simply by using the FontFamily formatting property: FontFamily = [My Custom Font Name]

New Contributor II

H - Where can we get the list? We have a customer asking for it. Thank you.

New Contributor II

Some follow-up from Support:  in the design and reference guide it references Microsoft Fonts on page 591 found here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/silverlight/dotnet-windows-silverlight/cc...

Honored Contributor

In recent versions, one can use any font that has been installed in Windows on the OneStream servers.

The interface only lists a subset (which is larger than the one mentioned in previous comments), likely produced by standard Microsoft libraries; but any font can be invoked simply by using the FontFamily formatting property: FontFamily = [My Custom Font Name]

Version history
Last update:
‎02-07-2024 07:12 AM
Updated by: