
Hi Everyone.

I am creating a CSV file with the information from a datatable. The problem is that it generates the file with the columns but without the datatable information. I wanted to know if there is another way to create a CSV file correctly.

Dim strFilePathFull_AllocationDetails As String = strFilePath & "/" & strModelName & "_" & strScenarioName & "_" & strTimeName & "_" & dtAllocationDetails.TableName & ".csv"

Dim xfeFile_AllocationDetails As XFFileEx = dtbSH.DataTableToFile(si, dtAllocationDetails, strFilePathFull_AllocationDetails, Nothing)
And my function:
Public Function DataTableToFile(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal strFilePath As String, ByVal listColToSkip As List(Of String), ByVal Optional strSeparator As String = ",") As XFFileEx
	Dim strDt As String = Me.PrintDataTable(si, dt, strSeparator, 0, False, listColToSkip, """")
	Dim bytes() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strDt)
	Dim fileinfo As New XFFileInfo(fileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, strFilePath)
	Dim xfFile As New XFFile(fileinfo, String.Empty, bytes)
	BRApi.FileSystem.InsertOrUpdateFile(si, xffile)
	Dim xfeFile As New XFFileEx(xffile, DataAccessLevel.AllAccess, False)
	Return xfeFile
End Function



Honored Contributor

I suspect your problem might lie in the checks you do with dt.Rows.Count. In a number of situations, that property doesn't work as expected. I would suggest to just loop on rows; if you want to enforce your "limit", keep track of iterations and then break out:

' it's bad practice to mess with stuff passed as parameter, let's wrap it...
Dim realLimit as Integer = -1
if limit > 0 then realLimit = limit
' keep an iteration index
Dim curr As Integer = 0
' and we're off
For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
   If curr >= realLimit Then
      Exit For
      curr += 1
   End If
   ' ... turn your row into a string etc etc

The other den of dragons is that check on column names, which might be case sensitive or fail on minimal differences. At a minimum, I would turn that ColumnName to all lowercase or all uppercase, and ensure the elements in that list have had the same treatment.

Beyond that, I would check that your datatable actually  contains data, particularly if it came from some .Clone() operation or similar.

Hope that helps!

View solution in original post


I had already seen the post, but that doesn't solve the problem of the row values not appearing, only the column values are displayed.

Honored Contributor

If the file is created, and it contains something, then the code you posted has done its job.

What has probably not done its job, is the "Me.PrintDataTable" function you have there. You might want to post the content of that function. To verify, you can write that strDt variable to errorlog to see what it actually contains.



Public Function PrintDataTable(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal Optional strSeparator As String = "|", ByVal Optional limit As Integer = 0, ByVal Optional boolPrintTableName As Boolean = True, ByVal Optional list As List(Of String) = Nothing, ByVal Optional strTextSep As String = Nothing) As String
	Dim strLog As New text.StringBuilder
	Dim strBRName As String = System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name
	Dim listColToSkip As New List(Of String) ({"None"})
	If Not IsNothing(list) Then
		listColToSkip = list
	End If
	strLog.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} - Sep: {1}, Limit: {2}, Print Table Name: {3}, Col(s) To Skip: {4}", strBRName, strSeparator, limit.ToString, boolPrintTableName.ToString, String.Join(", ", listColToSkip)))
	If strSeparator.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("tab") Then
		strSeparator = vbTab
	End If
		Dim result As New Text.StringBuilder
		If boolPrintTableName Then 
			result.AppendLine("Table name: " & dt.TableName)
		End If

		Dim header As String = Nothing
		For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
			strLog.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} - Col Name: {1}, To Skip: {2}", strBRName, dc.ColumnName, listColToSkip.Contains(dc.ColumnName)))
			If Not listColToSkip.Contains(dc.ColumnName) Then 
				header = header & dc.ColumnName & strSeparator
			End If
		If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(header) Then
		End If

		If limit = 0 Then limit = dt.Rows.Count -1
		If limit > dt.Rows.Count -1 Then limit = dt.Rows.Count -1
		For curRow As Integer = 0 To limit
			Dim row As String = String.Empty
			For curCol As Integer = 0 To dt.Columns.Count -1
				If Not listColToSkip.Contains(dt.Columns(curCol).ColumnName) Then
					If strTextSep Is Nothing Then 
						row = row & dt.Rows(curRow)(curCol).ToString.Trim & strSeparator
						row = row & strTextSep & dt.Rows(curRow)(curCol).ToString.Trim & strTextSep & strSeparator
					End If
				End If
			If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(row) Then
			End If

		Return result.ToString
	Catch ex As Exception
		BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, strLog.ToString)
		Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
	End Try
End Function


This is the code


Honored Contributor

I suspect your problem might lie in the checks you do with dt.Rows.Count. In a number of situations, that property doesn't work as expected. I would suggest to just loop on rows; if you want to enforce your "limit", keep track of iterations and then break out:

' it's bad practice to mess with stuff passed as parameter, let's wrap it...
Dim realLimit as Integer = -1
if limit > 0 then realLimit = limit
' keep an iteration index
Dim curr As Integer = 0
' and we're off
For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
   If curr >= realLimit Then
      Exit For
      curr += 1
   End If
   ' ... turn your row into a string etc etc

The other den of dragons is that check on column names, which might be case sensitive or fail on minimal differences. At a minimum, I would turn that ColumnName to all lowercase or all uppercase, and ensure the elements in that list have had the same treatment.

Beyond that, I would check that your datatable actually  contains data, particularly if it came from some .Clone() operation or similar.

Hope that helps!