Manipulate or create workflow profile in BR

New Contributor III


Is there any way to manipulate a workflow profile or create a new one using a business rule? 

If not, any way to extract / load xml in a BR? 

Can't find anything that would help me while browsing the api.


Honored Contributor

I'm sorry, I have to correct myself. There currently isn't a public supported API to modify a workflow beyond changing the assigned entities. I guess the potential for screwing up is just too high.

This said, if you peruse some marketplace solutions, you'll find that there is a way; but it's completely unsupported.

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Honored Contributor

Start from BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetProfile(si, profileName) and manipulate the resulting object.

New Contributor III

Hi Jack and thanks for your reply! Sorry for my late response.

I see that the property descriptions for a workflow info says "Gets or Sets the profile name", so that sounds promising.

However just doing that doesn't update anything. I was assuming there would be something like the writeableMember object or the SaveMemberInfo method but for workflows, but I really can't find anything in the api. 

If you could shed some light on what I'm missing I would greatly appreciate that. Basically what I want to achieve is something like this: 


WorkflowProfileInfo wfTemplate = BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetProfile(si, "test");
wfTemplate.Name = "blabla";
WorkflowProfileInfo generatedWf = new WorkflowProfileInfo(wfTemplate); 
return null; 

Honored Contributor

I'm sorry, I have to correct myself. There currently isn't a public supported API to modify a workflow beyond changing the assigned entities. I guess the potential for screwing up is just too high.

This said, if you peruse some marketplace solutions, you'll find that there is a way; but it's completely unsupported.

New Contributor III

Thanks again! Appreciate it. I will see how I go about it.