Avoid posting journals on different workflows
I have built a workflow structure for a statutory application where every legal entity has is own workflow.
In the entity assignment only 1 entity is assigned to the specific workflow.
Data load and input forms work fine because Onestream blocks user to enter data on an entity <> from the WF entity.
Inside each entity workflow we enabled the user to post adjustments.
But for journals Onestream behaves differently. Because when creating a journal, Onestream propose the list of companies the user has access to regardless which is the company assigned to the workflow.
Here I am in the workflow of company 1.
But Onestream prompt with the list of entities I have access to. So I can post a journal on entity XYZ on "company 1 workflow". So I am allowed to post a journal on an entity outside the assigned workflow.
Is there a way to force the user to post a journal only to the workflow entity?
Hi Marcello - you can create a JournalsEventHandler under Extensibility Rules. Then you can insert this code to restrict submitting journals to Entities assigned to the WF:
Select Case args.OperationName
Case Is = BREventOperationType.Journals.SubmitJournal
'SUBMIT - only allow submitting to WF Entities
Me.XFR_HandlePosttoWFEntities(si, globals, api, args)Private Sub XFR_HandlePosttoWFEntities(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As JournalsEventHandlerArgs)
'Reference Code: XFR_HandlePosttoWFEntities
'Description: Display a message to the user to not allow journal posting to Entities outside of the WF
'Usage: Used to alert the journal submitter that they cannot submit to Entities outside of their WF
'Created By: OS
If (args.IsBeforeEvent = True) Then
Dim jEx As JournalEx = DirectCast(args.inputs(1), JournalEx)
Dim ExceptionMessage As String = String.Empty
Dim FailedEntities As New list(Of String)
Dim lEI As New list(Of Integer)
For Each ei As WorkflowProfileEntityInfo In BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetProfileEntities(si, jEx.Header.Header.WorkflowProfileID)
If lEI.Count > 0 Then
For Each li As JournalLineItemEx In jEx.LineItems
If Not lEI.Contains(li.LineItem.EntityId) Then
Dim FailedEntity As Member = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMember(si, DimType.Entity.Id, li.LineItem.EntityId)
If Not FailedEntities.Contains(FailedEntity.Name) Then
End If
End If 'If Not lEI.Contains(li.LineItem.EntityId)
If FailedEntities.Count > 0 Then
If FailedEntities.Count = 1 Then
ExceptionMessage = "Entity ""E#" & String.Join(",E#",FailedEntities) & """ is not assigned to the current workflow. Please modify the journal to only include valid entities and reload." & vbCrLf
ExceptionMessage = "Entities ""E#" & String.Join(",E#",FailedEntities) & """ are not assigned to the current workflow. Please modify the journal to only include valid entities and reload." & vbCrLf
End If
End If 'If FailedEntities.Count > 0
End If 'If lEI.Count > 0
End If 'If (args.IsBeforeEvent = True)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
End Try
End Sub