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What does the OneStream Community offer and why should I join? The OneStream Community is a central source for technical professionals to problem solve, share knowledge and engage with peers and OneStream. It is made up of technical forums, assorted resources, blogs and IdeaStream (product enhancement requests). Joining lets you take full advantage of the Community, enabling you to: Post comments and questions Receive email when someone responds to a specific post or topic Exchange private messages with other members Personalize your community experience Post ideas, vote on the ideas you like best, and post comments If you don't create an account, you are limited to only browse, search for information, and read posts. You won't be able to give likes, vote on ideas, interact with other community members, or set customization preferences. Where can I find the OneStream Community Code of Conduct? View our Community Code of Conduct What are the Community Terms of Service? View our Community Terms of Service What are Likes? By definition, likes are a positive vote on a piece of content. On the Community, that definition applies as well. When you find a post helpful or interesting, you show your appreciation by giving likes. To give a like, you click the thumbs up icon below a post. Try it out! Please note: you must be signed in to give likes. What is an accepted solution? An Accepted Solutions is a way for you to choose the reply that best answers a question that you've posted and shows your appreciation! When you accept a solution, both the question and the solution get special icons and links that take you directly from the question to the answer. An Accepted Solutions icon also appears on boards and in search results so you can see which messages have solutions. You can mark a solution as accepted only for questions that you've posted (you started the thread). Community moderators can also mark one of the replies to a message as an accepted solution What are the forums? The OneStream Forum is a place for our members to ask questions, start discussions and connect with peers and OneStream. By posting in this area you’re helping others that might have similar questions and needs. Any solution from this forum you attempt to implement should be done in a test environment and not in your production environment. You should test any item for performance to ensure it produces the correct solution. These are crowdsourced solutions and may need to account for unique nuances of individual applications. Use them at your own risk. OneStream strives to create a helpful, friendly and collaborative Community for you to participate in. Please take note of the following points: If you are posting a troubleshooting question or seeking advice, try to be as detailed as possible. Do not share any specific account details as this area is visible to all our members! If your needs require sharing company specific details that shouldn’t be public, please open a support ticket in Service Now If your needs are complex and require more than 10-15 minutes of time to answer, please create a support ticket or reach out to your consultant If you posted something by accident, would like something removed, or run across anything you believe shouldn’t be in the Forum, please go into the post options and mark it with “report inappropriate content” stating a reason What is the difference between Blogs, Technical Documents and Forums in the Community? In order to help clarify questions as to what these three items are in the community. We have posted some basic definitions to help everyone understand the clarity between these items. Forums: These are open communication between all parties. The solutions expressed here might not be the absolute correct solution. Forums area place where customers, partners and others can engage in debate, seek answers, help others and come to a consensus. Please bear in mind not everything in forums can be 100% vetted. While it is monitored, it’s for the community to decide what is correct. Forums are essentially crowdsourcing a solution. Technical Documents: These are facts. These are proven, vetted items that are supplied by approved resources. These include the following items. Foundational Design Guides, Office Hours Q&A, and Code Samples. Blogs: A Blog is opinion based or more serialized content that is more free form and discussion based. Blogs tend to have more personality and are not as stringent as a knowledge base item. Can I use the Community on mobile? Yes, try it out! Our website is responsive so you can utilize the OneStream Community on the go. I need help with VB & SQL Check out this article for information regarding VB & SQL What if I still need help? Please submit a ticket in Service Now. Account Questions How do I register? How do I login? The Community uses Single Sign On with OKTA. Once you've gained access to OKTA, simply click on the Community app and login. If you're registering, click on the app and follow the prompts to choose a username. Remember this username will be visible to all users when you post. Typically we use first initial last name. For those users that do not have an existing OKTA ID, it may take additional time. If you have a problem logging into the Community please submit a ticket in Service Now. How do I update my profile avatar? To update your profile avatar, open your profile page by selecting your miniature portrait in the top right of the screen and selecting “my settings” from the dropdown. Once you open your profile page, click the pencil icon next to your current avatar. Next, select your image by clicking the pencil icon again. You can upload it from your computer or select an avatar provided. Once you have selected your new image, you'll be prompted to crop it. Adjust as needed and hit “save”. That's it! How can I change my notification settings? You can customize your notifications in the community in many ways, including time zone and email notification frequency. To set your viewing preferences: Sign in to the community. Click on your profile in the top right and select Go to My Settings Navigate to Follows & Notifications Click through the various preference tabs and make the changes you want. Make sure to scroll down as there are several settings at the bottom of the page. How can I change my username? Have you decided you no longer like your username that you initially set up? The good news is that you can change it! Click on your avatar in the top right corner and go to 'my settings'. Next, click the ‘personal’ tab. Select the 'edit' button next to your username and edit the username as desired Posting & Content Questions How do I post Code? Among the many tools that the Community has is the ability to post your code with some built in formatting. When your writing a post if you select the ellipsis a drop down appears. Select the {;} icon A window will pop up that will allow you to post your code. In the language box, you will need to type the language you desire for the drop down to appear: Please note: When posting code all code should be commented properly. How do I post XML Files? The policy currently blocks XML files from being loaded into the community. Please zip up any XML files to attach them to a post within the community. How do I add photos to a post? You've crafted the PERFECT message to post on our brand new ONE Community form...or so you thought! Maybe you need a little extra something to provide clarity on all the detail you've outlined. Or, you just want to make your post easier to read. There are two ways to to accomplish this: Use the "Photos" button in the editor: Use the "Attachments" feature below the text box (drag/drop or browse to attach): NOTE: In order for your photos to appear within your post, you will need to use the "Photos" feature in the editor menu. Any photos or files using option 2 will need to be downloaded to be viewed. How can I customize or personalize my post with Emojis? We all know that text messages and emails are devoid of emotion, which contributes to comments being taken out of context. The Community allows you to use the default emojis already available on your device, whether it's a computer, tablet or phone! Select the smile icon when making a new post. Make your Community forum posts more meaningful and engaging by using emojis! 😃 The Community allows you to use the default emojis already available on your device, whether it's a computer, tablet or phone! Select the smile icon when making a new post. How can I flag inaccurate content, content that is no longer correct, or inappropriate content? As this community grows and evolves, new features will occur and make existing posts wrong or no longer valid. Our Community should be a safe, professional place for all members to constructively collaborate. On occasion, our members may notice some content that is spam or inappropriate in nature. You can help the community by reporting content that is incorrect or no longer valid as well as reporting inappropriate content. Community members are able to "Report" a post from the gear drop-down menu in the upper right of the post. For inaccurate, irrelevant or inappropriate content, please report it all as inappropriate content, we will review it and either archive it or edit it and correct it. How do I write a blog? If you are interested in writing a blog, please reach out to and share the topic or rough draft of the blog you'd like to post. Error Questions HTTP Status 401 Error This error occurs when time out has occured with Okta. Close the browser and start a new browser and you will be able to log in via OKTA. Post Flooding Error Message If you receive a post flooding error message it occurs if you hit submit twice or more. The resulting original error is that a tag was not put on the message. Tags are required for certain posts. Error Message Access Denied If you get this error message you have tried to access a part of the community you do not have access to. If you received an invite to this area, please go to your private messages and accept your invite to the closed community in order to be able to access th e area. You should also have received an invite via email. For all other issues, please submit a ticket in Service Now3.2KViews0likes0CommentsOneStream Community Code of Conduct
Welcome to the OneStream Community! The Community’s mission is to provide OneStream administrators, solution consultants, administrators and other technical professionals a central hub to solve real world problems, share knowledge and engage with peers and OneStream. We are happy you are part of the OneStream Community! We encourage you to visit often and participate. Get into the habit of searching the site for information and ask your toughest questions. If you find a solution that works, let others know and pay it forward! Your participation is essential for this community to thrive, and you can do so in a range of ways: posting question and sharing answers, leaving comments on blog articles or ideas, voting for ideas on IdeaStream, or just thanking someone for a helpful contribution. Remember that the Community is powered by volunteered time from busy professionals such as yourself. Before you get started, please note the following about OneStream's policies and code of conduct. OneStream Community reserves the right to change, modify, or delete any of the platform's content or features at our sole discretion. All information in the Community is provided as-is and without warranty of any kind. OneStream Community is not responsible or liable for any personal data you post on the Community site. OneStream Community reserves the right to terminate participation or access to the Community for failure to comply with the OneStream Community Code of Conduct. Your continued use of the website is acceptance of the code of conduct, privacy policy, and future iterations of each, if applicable. If you do not agree to be bound by the community guidelines, your exclusive remedy is to cancel your account and discontinue your use of the website. Code of Conduct: To foster a vibrant, thriving, and friendly Community, we request members abide by the following guidelines when participating in the OneStreamCommunity. Please be kind and courteous Give acknowledgement and praise when due Provide helpful feedback Respond in a timely manner Do not post, share or solicit confidential or personal identifying information on any forum at any time. This includes email addressesBe respectful of other people's opinions Stay on topic and keep comments relevant to the overall discussion This platform is not meant for marketing or soliciting business. Absolutely no advertising or solicitation of any person or company for any person or any company.Keep things professional: no political, religious, or private details should be shared Bear in mind the forums have user-generated content and some advice you may find in forums may be inaccurate Remember that theCommunity is powered by volunteered time from busy professionals such as yourself! Don't be discouraged if it takes some time to see a reply. By Participating in the Community you agree to follow these rules as well as the full Terms of Service for the OneStream Community. If you have any questions about our guidelines, terms, or policies, let us know at Thank you! The Community Team2.1KViews0likes0CommentsOneStream Community Cookie Policy
Cookies are small data files stored in web browsers to track usage and enable useful services and features when using OneStream Community (defined below) or interacting with OneStream Community. This document provides information on the standard cookies used by OneStream Community and how to reject or delete those cookies should users choose to do so. Please note that restricting cookies can have an adverse impact on the functionality and the online user experience when interacting with OneStream Community. We classify the cookies typically used by OneStream Community and into the four broad categories described below. Type Classification Description Example 1 Strictly necessary These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the OneStream Community such as tracking a user session, or accessing secure areas. Session cookie used to pin a logged-in session to a browser 2 Performance The information these cookies collect is anonymous and is used to collect aggregate data including information about the pages users visit. Cookies delivered by Omniture WebAnalytics and Google Analytics for purposes of aggregate reporting 3 Functional These cookies allow websites to remember preferences and settings, such as your username, language, region, font size, and so on. Cookie used to hold a user’s username as part of a “remember me” feature 4 Tracking, targeting and sharing These cookies remember that you've visited a website, a particular web page, and/or track your activities on the site. This information is sometimes shared with third party advertisers for serving targeted online advertising or other personalized content. Cookies used to track visitor activity on an individual basis can be used by OneStream Community, Service Provider (defined below) or its third party business partners to serve personalized content, and/or later aggregated and used to analyze website traffic and trends. Cookie List Cookie Name Type Description and Purpose Expiration Time/Type If removed, disabled, or not accepted AWSALB 1 AWS sticky session cookie required for load balancer routing. See this document for further information. Request ( persists for 7 days) Sticky session won't work and some functionality will break. AWSALBCORS 1 For continued stickiness support with CORS use cases after the Chromium update, additional stickiness cookies for each of these duration-based stickiness features named AWSALBCORS (ALB) are being created. See for further information. Request ( persists for 7 days) _ga 2 Distinguishes users using a unique ID. It is used by Google Analytics to calculate visitor, session, and campaign data. By default, the configuration setting that sets this cookie is disabled. File a Support ticket to request enablement. 2 years (persistent) Visitor and session data will not be tracked and will not be available to Google Analytics !lithiumSSO:{client_id} 1 Used for passing authentication information to OneStream Community and/or Service Provider This cookie is a cancel cookie. This cookie is set to avoid re-read the original lithiumSSO cookie set with SSO. session SSO may not be functional for the user LiSESSIONID 1 Session management session User cannot log in, and is treated as an anonymous user lia.anon.{setting or config name} 3 Stores community-wide configurations and settings for anonymous users 1 year (persistent) OneStream Community behavior will follow defaults and any UI convenience changes made by the user will be ignored. lithium.anonymous. usersetting.{setting name} 3 Remembers user preferences 1 year (persistent) OneStream Community will not remember the user’s setting preferences lithium.anonymous. usersetting.profile. language 3 Remembers language preferences 1 year (persistent) OneStream Community will not remember the user’s language preferences. The language will default to the native language defined for the community. lithiumLogin:{community id} 3 Keeps users logged in when they make a request after their session has expired. It is triggered when a user checks Save login name and password. The cookie is encrypted and includes a unique user secure ID in the database. 30 days (persistent) The "auto login" and "remember me" features will not work LithiumNotifications 3 Temporarily stores Realtime Notification messages (Toast messages) session Realtime notification toasts may not appear (pop-up) after a page transition. LithiumUserInfo 1 Session management session The user will not be able to view secure pages and will be redirected to the login page LithiumUserSecure 1 Secure Session management session The user will not be able to view secure pages and will be redirected to the login page. LithiumVisitor 1 Replaces VISITOR_BEACON. OneStream Community currently uses both for backward compatibility. This cookie computes billing visits, registered billing visits, visits, registered visits, and unique visitors metrics. The cookie is encrypted and stores when it was first issued, when it was last seen by OneStream Community/Service Provider, an unique visitor ID (which is unique per visitor’s browser). Configurable (Default = 6 Months) Note: To change the default value, contact OneStream Community Support. Visits and unique visitors metrics will not be accurate. P{poll_id}U{user_id}R{reset_count} 3 Tracks when a user has voted in a poll and tracks the answer value. The cookie is used to prevent a user from voting multiple times in a single poll. The cookie is only placed if Use cookies to prevent multiple votes is enabled by OneStream Community Admin. 14 days If the user is an anonymous user, the user will be able to vote multiple times when the cookie is cleared. If the user is logged in, votes, and then clears the cookie, they are not allowed to revote. PushyAuthToken 1 Authenticates the user for a session with Realtime Notifications service (Pushy) Manually cleared when the user logs out or when their session expires due to inactivity WebSocket connections to the Realtime Notification service will fail with a 403 Forbidden error and the user will not see realtime notifications. VISITOR_BEACON 1 Computes billing visits, registered billing visits, visits, registered visits, and unique visitors metrics. The cookie is encrypted and stores, when it was first issued, when it was last seen by OneStream Community, the user ID, and its own unique ID. Configurable (Default = 6 Months) Note: To change the default value, contact OneStream Community Support. Visits and unique visitors metrics will not be accurate. VISITORID 1 Distinguishes between human and bot traffic 3 years (session) Defeats the bot detection mechanism. (May see increased spam on the community.) ValueSurveyParticipation 3 Stores a timestamp storing the creation time of this cookie, which is used in value survey trigger logic. Default is 90 days. Configurable in Community Admin The user will get multiple prompts to take a survey ValueSurveyVisitorCount 3 Stores the survey visit count of the user, which is used in logic that determines when a survey is triggered. This cookie is used in conjunction with the ValueSurveyParticipation cookie. When the ValueSurveyParticiation is set, the count for ValueSurveyVisitorCount cookie is reset to 0. Expires when the ValueSurveyParticipation cookie is either set or expires The user will not be prompted to take a survey until the count defined in the Delay before prompting user with survey field in Community Admin > Features > Value Surveys > Settings is met. LithiumCookiesAccepted (for Cookie Banner v1) 1 Stores the information of whether the user has given explicit consent by clicking "Accept" on the cookie banner to store Type 2, Type 3 & Type 4 cookies. For Cookie Banner v1, this cookie stores: -'1' if the user has explicitly clicked "Accept" in the cookie banner. -'2' if user clicked "Reject". Configurable (Default = 6 months). This cookie is not session specific (persistent) and will be maintained across sessions. This cookie is not dropped if OOTB cookie banner is disabled. If the banner is enabled and this cookie is explicitly removed from the browser, the cookie banner will appear again and Type 2, Type 3 & Type 4 cookies will not be stored unless the user clicks “Accept” again. LithiumNecessaryCookiesAccepted (for Cookie Banner v2 and Aurora) 1 Stores the information of whether the user has given explicit consent by clicking "Accept", "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from options under "Preferences" on the cookie banner to store Type 1 cookies. For Cookie Banner v2 this cookie stores: -'0' when the OOTB cookie banner for the site is enabled and user has not explicitly clicked "Accept" or "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". - For Classic: '0' when the OOTB cookie banner for the site is enabled and user clicked "Reject". - For Aurora: "1" when the OOTB cookie banner for the site is enabled and user clicked "Reject". -'1' if the user has explicitly clicked "Accept" or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". Irrespective of the value, Type 1 cookies are always stored in the browser. Configurable (Default = 6 months). This cookie is not session specific (persistent) and will be maintained across sessions. This cookie is not dropped if OOTB cookie banner is disabled. If the banner is enabled, removing or deleting this cookie from the browser will not impact any Type 1 cookies that are stored in the browser. LithiumFunctionalCookiesAccepted (for Cookie Banner v2) 1 Stores the information of whether the user has given explicit consent by clicking "Accept", "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from options under "Preferences" on the cookie banner to store Type 3 cookies. For Cookie Banner v2 this cookie stores: -'0' when the OOTB cookie banner for the site is enabled and user has not explicitly clicked "Accept" or "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". -'1' if the user has explicitly clicked "Accept" in the cookie banner or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". -'2' if user clicked "Reject". Configurable (Default = 6 months). This cookie is not session specific (persistent) and will be maintained across sessions. This cookie is not dropped if OOTB cookie banner is disabled. If the banner is enabled and this cookie is removed from the browser, then new Type 3 cookies will not be stored in the browser. LithiumTargetingCookiesAccepted (for Cookie Banner v2) 1 Stores the information of whether the user has given explicit consent by clicking "Accept", "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from options under "Preferences" on the cookie banner to store Type 4 cookies. For Cookie Banner v2 this cookie stores: -'0' when the OOTB cookie banner for the site is enabled and user has not explicitly clicked "Accept" or "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". -'1' if the user has explicitly clicked "Accept" in the cookie banner or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". -'2' if user clicked "Reject". Configurable (Default = 6 months). This cookie is not session specific (persistent) and will be maintained across sessions. This cookie is not dropped if OOTB cookie banner is disabled. If the banner is enabled and this cookie is removed from the browser, then new Type 4 cookies will not be stored in the browser. LithiumPerformanceCookiesAccepted (for Cookie Banner v2) 1 Stores the information of whether the user has given explicit consent by clicking "Accept", "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from options under "Preferences" on the cookie banner to store Type 2 cookies. For Cookie Banner v2 this cookie stores: -'0' when the OOTB cookie banner for the site is enabled and user has not explicitly clicked "Accept" or "Reject" or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". -'1' if the user has explicitly clicked "Accept" in the cookie banner or "Confirmed" their choices from "Preferences". -'2' if user clicked "Reject". Configurable (Default = 6 months). This cookie is not session specific (persistent) and will be maintained across sessions. This cookie is not dropped if OOTB cookie banner is disabled. If the banner is enabled and this cookie is removed from the browser, then new Type 2 cookies will not be stored in the browser. _pendo_meta.* 4 Cookie is used by Communities to show in-app feature guides in the "Community Admin" section Persistent None _pendo_accountId.* 4 Cookie is used by Communities to show in-app feature guides in the "Community Admin" section Persistent None _pendo_visitorId.* 4 Cookie is used by Communities to show in-app feature guides in the "Community Admin" section Persistent None mPulse 2 mPulse enables real-time performance monitoring and analysis of the community and helps improve over... 7 days The mPulse tools and dashboards from within Akamai will no longer contain the relevant real user measurement data. kh-local-storage (for Aurora only) 3 Introduced in Aurora 23.5/23.6 when it was discovered that Android apps need to have local storage enabled to embed a community via WebView. If local storage is not enabled, the app falls back to using this cookie for local storage instead. Session Mobile Android apps that embed a community using WebView and do not have local storage enabled will fail to render pages. LithiumImpersonatedUser (for Aurora only) 3 Keeps reference of the user being impersonated when the Switch Member feature is enabled. 30 minutes Switch Member feature would not work as cookie is used to identify the impersonated user. kh-sso 1 When the bounce URL is set in the SSO properties, the user is redirected to said URL if it’s not authenticated. In order to avoid a redirection loop, this cookie is set to mark that the user has already been redirected once. Session If the bounce URL is set in the SSO properties, the user may enter a redirection loop and be unable to access OneStream Community. LithiumUserExternalVideoConsent 1 Remembers users' preferences to consent to cookies originating from external video providers 180 days / 6 months Users are asked to consent to cookies originating from external video providers LithiumLocalePreferences (For Classic and Aurora communities) 3 Used to keep track of the user’s preferred language 24 hours Increase in number of calls to verify user language preference. Language preference order may be altered or may default to browser selected preference. For Aurora - If this cookie is not present, a query will be executed to retrieve the language. If the user does not have a value in their preferences, we will use the browser's `Accept-Language` header. LithiumToggleTextKeys 3 Used to enable toggle text key functionality in end-user app. 24 hours Toggle text keys functionality would not show on end-user app and therefore could not be used. LithiumLocalizedCategoryLocalePreference(Aurora only) 3 Used to keep track of the users selected language in the language selector when Localized Community is enabled in Aurora. 24 hours Users selected language from the language selector will not persist. Language preference will shift back to the language retrieved from the users browser `Accept-Language` header. Cookie Name Type Description and Purpose Expiration Time/Type If removed, disabled, or not accepted SIP|ws 3 Tracks the workspace to redirect to after a session timeout 1 day Cookie Name Type Description and Purpose Expiration Time/Type If removed, disabled, or not accepted X-TOKEN-ID 1 Protects against cross-site scripting Session This is a security token. It is critical for the application to run PLAY_SESSION 1 This is the main session cookie Session This is the main session cookie. It is critical for the application to run __sdx_page 3 Stores the user’s current application tab 14 days When a user reloads the page, the user is redirected to the default tab instead of to the last tab used in the application PLAY_LANG 3 Retrieves the user’s language 14 days This is used only when LSW cannot detect the browser language and a user has no language set Cookie Name Type Description and Purpose Expiration Time/Type If removed, disabled, or not accepted XSessionID 1 This is the main session cookie 24 hours This is the main session cookie. It is critical for the application to run JSESSIONID 3 This is an auto-generated JSP cookie Session The application does not rely on this cookie but uses the cookie occasionally to auto-generate UUIDs TOCOMA-CID 1 The user’s main session cookie Expires when the browser session ends The application will not run Definitions: ‘OneStream Community’ means the OneStream Community website that can be found at: [], including but not limited to any partner or customer OneStream Community pages associated with the website. ‘Service Provider’ means the website service provider of the OneStream Community website, Khoros.200Views0likes0CommentsOneStream Community Accessibility Statement
OneStream Community Accessibility Statement OneStream Software is committed to digital accessibility and strives to implement website functionality that allows for more inclusive access to its OneStream Community website. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), Revised 508 Standards, and EN 301 549 standards are instrumental in allowing for greater accessibility to technology for those with disabilities. OneStream strives to implement functionality in its website that meets the WCAG 2.1 Level A and AA, which is aligned with standards referenced above. We want to hear from you if you encounter any accessibility barriers on our OneStream Community website. Please contact OneStream at This Accessibility Statement only applies to OneStream’s Community website. This Accessibility Statement and any of the functionality or capabilities referenced herein, shall not be construed to be included in any contract, either explicitly or implicitly, in whole or in part.54Views0likes0CommentsIdea Submission Guidelines
Check if the feature exists Search our documentation, knowledge articles, and discussion forums to find if the functionality already exists. Check for a similar idea submission Before posting your idea, search IdeaStream. If a similar idea exists, add your vote to show your support. Adding a comment describing how it will help your company and/or the impact it has on users without it will help tell a story of it its importance. If you find duplicate ideas, please let us know by adding a comment and tagging “@TBD” and include the link to the duplicate idea. One request per idea submission It becomes hard to keep track and update an idea when it contains more than one request. Please submit an idea for each request separately. Use simple language; preferably English OneStream’s customer and partner base is globally diverse, and we are all sharing a single community. For many users, English is a second language, and they may rely on browser translation services to better understand the text. By writing clearly and concisely, it will help improve machine translation. We also recommend submitting your idea in English to reach a broader audience and receive more support. As our community grows, we’ll evaluate a better experience for a multi-language community. Be descriptive of the problem you need solving, and use visuals and images An idea submission consists of three parts: Title, Description, Label Title When community members read IdeaStream, it is the idea title that will capture their attention and interest, and increase the chance it will receive votes. Your title should be concise but descriptive enough for other users to understand the general picture. Example: “Extract PDF reports via an API” Description We naturally gravitate to immediately describe the functionality of a solution we are seeking. But to build empathy and spark a discussion with the community, it is important to describe the situation you are in and the motivation behind the request. When others, including OneStream product managers, understand what you are trying to accomplish, they can provide ways they solved a similar problem or build upon your idea with alternate scenarios. When describing your idea, consider the following elements: Situation: Describe where in the product your idea fits and when your pain point occurs. This could include Steps to Reproduce, screenshots, even videos. Purpose and expected outcome: Describe the intended goal and objective of your idea. Rather than describing the solution, focus on what you are trying to accomplish and why it is needed for your organization. Proposed solution: Describe your proposed solution, if any. This could include simple drawings or images. Workaround method: Describe how you are accomplishing this today, or effort it takes without this feature. Here is a fictional example: "I want to extract a PDF report via an API instead of manually generating it in the Report Viewer via the “Show Report” action. We have to submit many PDF reports to external parties and agencies at specific times and frequencies. An API will enable me to automate this process with the flexibility I need. Without this capability, our accountants from 37 different locations have to manually generate, save, and email these reports every month. And when one forgets to do it on time, it slows down the external party’s work." Label: A label is required when submitting an idea as it associates an idea with a Onestream solution. This helps community members and our product managers find ideas within the solution of their interest or responsibility. If you’re not confident about which label to choose, make your best guess Do not include private or sensitive information IdeaStream submissions are visible to all community members, which includes OneStream employees, customers, and partners. Avoid posting sensitive information and consider blocking out sensitive data within screenshots.68Views0likes0CommentsIdeaStream Frequently Asked Questions
What is IdeaStream? IdeaStream is a collaborative feedback channel where OneStream customers and partners can submit, vote, and discuss ideas on how to improve the OneStream platform and solutions. IdeaStream lets you connect with OneStream product managers while collaborating with other community members on product ideas and suggestions. IdeaStream was created to help prioritize our product roadmap and align resources to streamline the development of popular user requests. IdeaStream will enable us to understand what the user community needs, and how to create more value within our products. With your candid feedback, our team can confidentially prioritize what to build next, while providing enhanced visibility into the build process. Who can participate in IdeaStream? All OneCommunity logged-in users can view, vote, post, and comment on ideas. How do I vote for an idea? To vote for an idea, click the "thumbs-up" button. To remove your vote, click on the thumbs-up button again. You may vote on as many ideas as you like. We also encourage users to comment on ideas to offer solutions or workarounds, expand on idea requirements, or share the impact the idea will have on their organization. How do I post an idea? Before submitting an idea, search to see if the idea already exists. If there is an existing idea, upvote that idea. Our community's search capability searches the entire community for relevant ideas or forum discussions about that topic. If there isn't an existing idea, submit an idea on the All Ideas board by clicking the Suggest an ideabutton. Please read the Idea Submission Guidelines on details of what to include in your submission. How can I promote an idea to other members so it gets more support? As you participate in the community and notice discussions that you think would benefit from ideas you are interested in, promote them in those discussions! Consider joining OneStream Community Groups, and reach out to your coworkers to build support and generate votes. What is the difference between Top Ideas and Hot Ideas? Top ideas are based on the highest number of votes. Hot ideas are based on an algorithm that combines recency and popularity (such as views, comments, votes, unique participants). What evaluation criteria are used when reviewing and accepting ideas? While we would love to review and respond to all of your ideas, we prioritize top-voted ideas for review during quarterly review cycles. Our goal is to set a minimum vote threshold in the future once IdeaStream voting activity is established. Top ideas are reviewed and evaluated for desirability, viability, and feasibility. Sometimes, a great idea may have dependencies on other development work that needs to be completed first, and it may not be accepted until the dependency is cleared. In all cases, OneStream will always strive to communicate the rationale and next steps through Idea statuses and comment updates. Desirability - How many votes? How many customers voted? How many customers and industries will benefit? Viability - Is this globally relevant? Does it correspond with market trends? Does it align with OneStream's product vision and strategy? Feasibility - How large and complex is the development effort? Is it workable and scalable with the product’s architecture? Do we have resource availability? What happens to top ideas that do not get accepted for development? Ideas that do not get selected but are still considered valuable will be placed back into the voting pool for the next cycle’s consideration. If it is clear that an idea is not feasible or something we will not consider for the foreseeable future, it will be closed. Sometimes, a great idea may have dependencies on other development work that needs to be completed first. How many ideas will be accepted during quarterly reviews? The number of ideas will vary each quarter as some ideas take longer to develop than others. In case that a development team best equipped for developing the idea based on its subject matter may not have enough bandwidth in the upcoming release, so we may have to prioritize less ideas based on their availability. When can I expect an accepted idea to be delivered? During quarterly reviews, we typically accept ideas that can be delivered within one or two upcoming releases. When the idea is accepted, OneStream will also indicate the estimated availability date. If due to unforeseen circumstances the idea is not delivered when initially estimated, we will post an update in the idea.79Views0likes0CommentsWhat's IdeaStream?
SHAPING FUTURE RELEASES IdeaStream is a collaborative channel where our customers and partners can submit and discuss ideas with our community and OneStream product managers. Your voting and discussions will help us prioritize your popular user request as part of our product planning process. For technical support or to report product bugs, please visit the ServiceNow portal. IDEA LIFECYCLE Submit your ideas for product improvements or new features through IdeaStream. This is your chance to promote and gather support for your idea, to bring it to the attention of OneStream Product Managers. We encourage you to engage with other community members by reviewing the ideas suggested by your peers. When you come across an idea you like, upvote it and leave a comment telling us how it will help you. While we would love to work on all of your ideas, we can’t do everything right away, and we need your help prioritizing ideas that matter most to you. IDEA STATUSES Open Ideas Open ideas can be voted and commented upon. New – The idea has just been posted and will be able to immediately collect votes. Product Management will review all new ideas and move them either to the Gathering Interest or Needs More Info status. Needs Info - A new idea that requires more information and refinement from the Idea Poster. Someone through ONECommunity will reach out to the poster of the idea to ensure they understand the full scope of the idea. Gathering Interest - The idea is collecting interest and can be open for comments and voting. This process will be continuous until ideas gain enough traction to be pushed to Under Review. Under Review - The idea has received enough votes to be considered for the roadmap. Scheduled - The idea has been assigned for near-term future release. Future Consideration - The idea is a high priority and is being scheduled for a future release. Closed Ideas Closed ideas are closed for voting. Some closed ideas may remain open for comments and may be reopened at OneStream’s discretion. Delivered - The idea has been delivered and made available in the product. Duplicate - The idea has already been submitted by another user. Review OneStream comment for the link to the existing idea where it should be upvoted. Existing Feature - The idea is an existing feature. Review OneStream comment with information on the feature. This may include a workaround or 3rd party solution. Bug - The idea is an existing feature behaving in unintended ways. It has been submitted to the development bug backlog that is managed through ServiceNow. Closed - The idea does not meet the current product strategy or cannot be addressed for other reasons. Review OneStream comment for details on rationale behind this decision.141Views0likes0CommentsONECommunity Terms of Service
The Following are the Terms of Service for The OneStream ONECommunity. Use of the ONECommunity Site indicates you accept these terms and waive any further objections to these terms or future modifications thereto. PURPOSE ONECommunity is a peer-to-peer and direct support channel for people cultivating enterprise communities on the OneStream platform. It is a central for education and thought leadership on best practices, where we also ideate with customers directly on how to improve and extend the product platform. Enterprise communities are communities created by business organizations for their customers, partners, or other enthusiasts. Although this community is designed for OneStream customers, partners and employees, we welcome anyone with an interest in enterprise communities to participate in public areas. We expect all to observe the community rules of conduct set forth in these Terms of Service. CONDUCT You may not share the login credentials to your registered account with any other individual, entity, or organization. You may not use your registration membership (or allow anyone else to use your registration membership) to post or transmit: Content that is abusive, vulgar, obscene, hateful, fraudulent, or that discloses private or personal matters concerning any person. This includes language, information, or images. Content that is threatening, defamatory or abusive, either between forum members or directed towards a OneStream moderator, or a OneStream employee or manager. "Rants," "slams," or legal threats against OneStream or another company or competitor. Bigoted, hateful, or racially offensive comments. Political or religious statements or commentary. Off-topic comments not related to enterprise communities or the OneStream platform. Any material that you don't have the right to transmit under law (such as DMCA, copyright, trade secret, or securities) or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as nondisclosure agreements). Language that promotes illegal activity or discusses illegal activities with the intent to commit them. This includes any message that solicits or promotes the use of an illegal substance. Advertising, promotional materials, or other forms of solicitation including chain letters, pyramid schemes, class action suits, or charitable appeals. This includes advertising links in signatures. Any file or link to a file that contains viruses, corrupted files, "Trojan Horses," or any other contaminating or destructive features that may damage someone else's computer. Duplicate posts, spam messages, or posts repeated excessively on one or more boards. Messages designed to evade profanity or other filters. Personal phone numbers or addresses, or any other personal information (to protect privacy). Personal email addresses, private information such as social security numbers, or other contact information that is not your own, including, but not limited to OneStream employee's email addresses. Hyperlinks that lead to sites or content that violate any of the forum guidelines. Any message that impersonates another person or affiliation with an entity, including, but not limited to, OneStream In addition, our guidelines do not permit you to: Intentionally violate any other applicable law or regulation while accessing and using our site Interfere in any way with the operations in the forum or with a fellow user's message box, including but not limited to mail or "post" bombing, news bombing, other flooding techniques, deliberate attempts to overload a system and broadcast attacks, or attempts to avoid messaging blocking. Selling anything, plagiarizing content that is not yours, or circumventing security measures. Evading bans or suspensions or otherwise disregarding directions from OneStream moderators or administrators. OneStream moderators may, at their sole discretion, at any time and without prior notice remove any posted message or thread, delete content that violates these guidelines from posted messages, or ban your account for violating the above reasonable provisions. Please remember that you are responsible for all statements made and acts that occur through the use of your user name and password. If you recognize any violation of these guidelines, please notify us by using the "Report Inappropriate Content" feature in the Options menu of the message, or by contacting us directly at: Your use of the ONECommunity is subject to OneStream Terms of Use and privacy policy. For information on OneStream website disclaimer and OneStream privacy practices, please see the entire privacy policy at: OneStream Privacy Policy: OneStream Terms of Use: __________________________________ COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT If you believe that work belonging to you has been copied onto the ONE Community without your permission, please notify by sending a written notification of claimed infringement to: By mail: Legal c/o OneStream Software LLC 362 South Street Rochester, MI 48307 By email: In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, your notification must include: * A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. * Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site. * Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material. * Information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted. * A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. * A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. USER PROFILE INFORMATION We may refuse to grant you, and you may not use, a screen name or email address that is already being used by someone else, that impersonates another person, that belongs to another person, that violates the intellectual property or other rights of any person, that is vulgar or otherwise offensive, or that we reject for any other reason, at our sole discretion. In consideration of your use of OneStream Community you agree that all information provided in your profile is accurate, true, current, and complete. OneStream may terminate your account if any of the information provided is found to be inaccurate, false, out of date, or incomplete. MEMBER GENERATED CONTENT The content found in the OneStream ONECommunity comes from a variety of sources, primarily from community members. OneStream makes no claims or representations as to the accuracy, completeness, or truth of any material submitted or found in the discussion areas. OneStream is not liable for any website links posted within the discussion areas; website links posted in the discussion areas may link to sites not administered or under the control of OneStream and users must open such links at their own risk. OneStream is not liable for any errors or delays in the content or transmission of postings on the site. Remember that you are responsible for your own decisions to act upon the information provided by community members. OneStream makes no guaranty of the confidentiality or privacy of any communication or information transmitted on the site, or any web-site linked to the site, or otherwise in connection with the services and OneStream will not be liable for the privacy of e-mail addresses, registration and identification information, confidential or trade-secret information. For any content contributed to the community, you grant a royalty-free and irrevocable right to OneStream to publish, distribute, or revise the content. UNAUTHORIZED USE If your user identification or password(s) is compromised, or if you become aware of any unauthorized use of your account or other breach of security, you are responsible for promptly notifying us. You can notify us by sending an email to AGE You must be 18 years of age or older to access The ONE Community. LANGUAGE The language of the ONECommunity is English. MODIFICATIONS OneStream reserves the right to modify these guidelines at any time, effective upon posting of the modified guidelines on the forum.2KViews0likes0Comments