Forum Discussion

MatthieuR's avatar
New Contributor III
3 years ago

Combining Tree Expansion and filtering in a cube view

Hello All,


I'd like to know if there is a way to have/combine somehow in a Cube View the fact to have the collapse/expand function that the .Tree expansion provides while still applying a filter on the member we want to render below the top member.

Something like this in essence : TopMember.Tree.Where (text1 = 2).

Seems we cannot apply a where clause on .Tree expansion, and I would anyway expect that the collapse/expand option is not active anymore when we start to filter with a where clause but I'm trying to explore options that would allow to meet this kind of requirement

Thank you in advance for your feedback


  • So with all these limitations the best solution would be building an alternate hierarchy I guess..

  • MatthieuR's avatar
    New Contributor III


    But when the XFBR will return me the right list of members, still that wouldn't be displayed in the CV with collapse/expand possibility, right ?



    • NidhiMangtani's avatar
      Contributor III

      You are correct, this seems to be a limitation. Please raise an enhancement request with OneStream. 

  • db_pdx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    It doesn't give you the collapse/expand function, but you can sort of achieve your desired result with standard member expansions.  For example:

    A#SelectedMember.Member.Descendants.Where(Text1 = Predicate)

    A#SelectedMember.Member.Base.Where(Text1 = Predicate)

    Thought I'd mention the above as a potential solution until your enhancement is built.



    You can force an expander to appear with the above member filter by making this a nested member.  Meaning, put an arbitrary member as the first selection, then put the above filter as the 2nd item in a list.  It will display with an expand/collapse + sign.

    • MatthieuR's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Thank you for the proposal, interesting but still doesn't meet the requirement as between my top member and the base members where this filter applied, there are some intermediate parents, which in your solution will all display as flat below the "A#SelectedMember", so I don't have either the indentation, and more important the collapse/expand on each parent

  • EricOsmanski's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    These are difficult  - in your example, if your filter returns 1,000 members, is a 10 level deep hierarchy and only certain members (but not their parents) meet the criteria, it isn't able to create a tree. This is because several branches may not meet the criteria. Just wanted to bring up why this may not be so cut and dry.