Forum Discussion

daniel's avatar
New Contributor
8 months ago

Copy consolidated data from one cube to another


I'm trying to copy consolidated data from one Cube to another one. All the process works perfectly except for the consolidated data. C#Elimination is not being imported.

The part of the connector rule where I think there is a problem is here, but I don't know how to solve it:

Dim dtDataRecord As DataTable = BRApi.Import.Data.FdxExecuteDataUnit(si, myCube, "E#E004", 
"C#Local:P#PL00", ScenarioTypeId.Actual, "S#ACT", "T#"& wfTime, "YTD", True, filterF, _
4, False)


  • sameburn's avatar
    Contributor II

    Hi daniel .  The FDX Data Unit BRApi does not extract Relationship data. You could try the FDX CubeView BRApi built off of a Cube View... or a Data Management Export Data step


  • aformenti's avatar
    Contributor II

    Hi daniel,

    I don't think you can export data with an FDX query from the Elimination level. It would only export C#Local as you have specified in the query. 

    To export Elim data you'd need to find another approach.

    • aformenti's avatar
      Contributor II

      As far as I can think, you can:

      1. Export a Data File from the C#Elimination:O#Elimination and Import through Stage using a Data Management Data Source. 
      2. Copy the data direct into the cube by using a Seeding rule. 

      There are other options if these does not work for your use case. Happy to give you more details if needed. 

  • T_Kress's avatar
    Contributor III

    Keep in mind that if you are able to copy the C#Elimination:O#Elimination data as noted by others in this thread, if you consolidate that data in the target cube, the eliminations will get re-written in the target cube based on the relationships and data in the target cube.   That is unless you have turned off elimination logic in the target cube or do not plan on consolidating data in that cube.