3 years agoNew Contributor III
Cube View Access/Visibility
CubeView that was assigned to different role is still visible when the user is set to another role.
- CubeViewProfile1 - Access Group: Role 1
- CubeViewGroup1.1 - Access Group: Role 1
- CubeViewGroup1.2 - Access Group: Everyone
- CubeViewProfile2 - Access Group: Role 2
- CubeViewGroup2.1 - Access Group: Everyone
User with Role2 is able to view CubeViewProfile1 and all of its members while user with Role1 is able to view CubeViewProfile2 under OnePlace > Cube Views.
How do I hide the CubeViews in OnePlace from users who do not have the right role? Are there other configurations I need to take into consideration?