Forum Discussion
On the backend, I more or less can make a workaround, converting the UTC stored values to a specific target Time Zone. The biggest issue is the fact, that 2 users, reporting/reviewing/calculating values on the same entity, will eventually look differently at the same date. A user in Germany will input a date, which is converted to a UTC value (because of the time-zone of the server backend). His colleague in US reviewing data, will see the date in a different time-zone, as the Cube View converts the backend UTC value, to his local timezone. And from a user perspective, this could look like 1 day in difference, if only looking at the date value, not including time. So a UTC+1 time of 2022-01-01 (00:00) becomes 2021-12-31, from a UI perspective. So my point is more, that OS, in this case, should ignore the time-zone information. And that's where I'm trying to find a solution.
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- 8 months ago