Forum Discussion

BoscoBear21's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Dashboard component - Text Editor

Good afternoon,

How can I pass a parameter selection from a Button/Combo Box to a URL within a text editor component.

The client would like to select the UD4 and have it retrieve a Word doc / Text Editor for that selected UD4.

I have the current URL in the text editor as this: Documents/Public/DashboardFiles/|!Fin_Dept_Select_ColSet!|.docx


Thank you, Stephen

  • ChrisLoran's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    You should be able to just create a Dashboard Parameter, like this example I created in GolfStream

    Then create a Combo Box component,  like this, with the Bound Parameter set to the parameter name:

    Then ensure that the Combo Box has the property "Selection Changed User Interface Action" set to Refresh.

    I created a simple Text Editor component, like yours, and embedded the |!parameter!| into the Url/Filename, as you already have done:

    I set the Dashboard as a Grid layout : 2 Rows, 1 Column
    First component is the Combo Box, 2nd component is the Text Editor
    Note that there are issues if you have the Dashboard layout set to Vertical Stack Panel when using Text Editor components (which is why I used Grid layout).

    The result: