Forum Discussion

Sergey's avatar
Contributor III
20 days ago

Dynamically define a Radio Button Group selection


I have a defined a dynamic dashboard based on an SQL table component. The goal is to create dynamic dashboards based on this table.

In the last column of this dashboard, I have a parameter which drives a selection based on 2 values: Manual, Predictive.

My dynamic dashboard run as expected except for the last part, which I would like to have as a Radio Button Selection and should reflect what is defined in the table.



My question is : is there a way to define what would be the selection of the radio button based on a dynamic dashboard business rule ?


  • Sergey's avatar
    Contributor III

    I find the solution :

    1. For GetDynamicParametersForDynamicComponent( ... ) , define the return function api.GetDynamicParametersForDynamicComponent with convertstoredparametertodynamic set as tristatebool.truevalue --> You will get specific parameters created for each dynamic dashboards
    2. In the dynamic dashboard, locate your component (in my case the radio button) with its name, then use the property customSubstVarsAlreadyResolved("nameofyourparameterforthisdashboard") = whatevervalueyouwant