Forum Discussion

BenvanBergen's avatar
2 years ago

Error during Calculation run Parser error at token =.

Hello, is there someone who knows how to get more information on this error?

The next 2 messages refer to a scenario member, for which I run the calculation, but I don't see any "=" that has a wrong statement behind it, could of course be a small typo, but it's a large scenario formula.


thanks in advance


  • Woo... it is longer than an Australian Truck ๐Ÿ™‚

    Can you try to disable all destinations except on. That will narrow down a lot already!

  • NicolasArgente's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi BenvanBergen !
    The error is mentioning about the Token. The token is the # with the prefix being the dimension (or cube for Cb). Did you also check that all dimensions have the A# or S#... etc. tokens?

    • BenvanBergen's avatar

      Seems all are correct, is there no possibility to find from the error log the line in the formula?

      I'll look on Monday with fresh eyes. Have a good weekend!

    • BenvanBergen's avatar

      Thanks Nicolas! Gives me some direction, I'll go over the lines again.

    • BenvanBergen's avatar

      Thanks Nicolas, it's a long formula, first the error messages:


      Then the formula:

      If (api.Cons.IsLocalCurrencyforEntity() And Not api.Entity.HasChildren()) Then
      Dim CurrentScenario As String = api.Pov.Scenario.Name
      Dim StartMonthID As Integer = api.Scenario.GetWorkflowStartTime(api.Pov.Scenario.MemberId)
      Dim StartMonth As String = api.Time.GetNameFromId(StartMonthID)
      Dim CurTime As String = api.Pov.Time.Name
      Dim currMonthNr As Integer = api.Time.GetPeriodNumFromId(api.Pov.time.MemberId)
      ' api.LogMessage(StartMonth & " " & CurTime)
      Dim Source1a As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination1a As String = Nothing
      Dim Source1b As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination1b As String = Nothing
      Dim Source1c As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination1c As String = Nothing
      Dim Source1d As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination1d As String = Nothing
      Dim Source2a As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination2a As String = Nothing
      Dim Source2b As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination2b As String = Nothing
      Dim Source2c As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination2c As String = Nothing
      Dim Source2d As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination2d As String = Nothing
      Dim Source3 As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination3 As String = Nothing
      Dim Source4 As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination4 As String = Nothing
      Dim Source5 As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination5 As String = Nothing
      Dim Source6a As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination6a As String = Nothing
      Dim Source6b As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination6b As String = Nothing
      Dim Source7a As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination7a As String = Nothing
      Dim Source7b As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination7b As String = Nothing
      Dim Source7c As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination7c As String = Nothing
      Dim Source8 As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination8 As String = Nothing
      Dim Source9 As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination9 As String = Nothing
      Dim Source10 As String = Nothing
      Dim Destination10 As String = Nothing
      Dim Formula As String = Nothing
      '================= BDGM MODEL SCENARIO LOGIC FOR FIRST PERIOD ONLY ========================================================
      ' For Scenario BDGM - the sources for the first period is seeded from a predefined Model scenario and time period
      ' or alternatively it is source from the September values (so M9 or Prior4) of the ACTUAL_Ops scenario
      ' Relevant seed scenario and time period to be updated by BEN
      If CurrentScenario = "BDGM" Then
      If currMonthNr = 1 Then
      'For sources 1a to 2d the Opening Stock Vols and Values are seeded from a predefined Model scenario and Time period, or Sep (M9) from ACTUAL_Ops
      Source1a = "S#ACTUAL_Ops:T#povprior4:A#ClosingStockVol:O#Top"
      Destination1a = "T#pov:A#VOL_O_StockALUM:O#Import"
      Source1b = "S#ACTUAL_Ops:T#povprior4:A#ClosingStockVol:O#Top"
      Destination1b = "T#pov:A#VOL_O_StockWIP:O#Import"
      Source1c = "S#ACTUAL_Ops:T#povprior4:A#ClosingStockVol:O#Top"
      Destination1c = "T#pov:A#VOL_O_StockFG:O#Import"
      Source1d = "S#ACTUAL_Ops:T#povprior4:A#ClosingStockVol:O#Top"
      Destination1d = "T#pov:A#VOL_O_StockTR:O#Import"
      Source2a = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#StockFeedstockCost:O#Top"
      Destination2a = "T#pov:A#VAL_O_StockALUM:O#Import"
      Source2b = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#ClosingStockValue:O#Top"
      Destination2b = "T#pov:A#VAL_O_StockWIP:O#Import"
      Source2c = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#ClosingStockValue:O#Top"
      Destination2c = "T#pov:A#VAL_O_StockFG:O#Import"
      Source2d = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#ClosingStockValue:O#Top"
      Destination2d = "T#pov:A#VAL_O_StockTR:O#Import"
      'Source & Destination 3 to 7c only relates to the Price calcs for first period of the BDGM scenario being seeded from a predefined scenario and Time Period,
      ' or Actual_OPS scenario fixed period M9 Sep, therefater for all other periods its calculated On the member account
      Source3 = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#PRICE_StockCloseU6:O#Top"
      Destination3 = "T#pov:A#PRICE_StockCloseU6:O#Import"
      Source4 = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#PRICE_StockFeedstock:O#Top"
      Destination4 = "T#pov:A#PRICE_StockFeedstock:O#Import"
      Source5 = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#PRICE_StockFreightFS:O#Top"
      Destination5 = "T#pov:A#PRICE_StockFreightFS:O#Import"
      Source6a = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#PRICE_StockICmuFS:O#Top"
      Destination6a = "T#pov:A#PRICE_StockICmuFS:O#Import"
      Source6b = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#PRICE_StockICmuWIP:O#Top"
      Destination6b = "T#pov:A#PRICE_StockICmuWIP:O#Import"
      Source7a = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#PRICE_StockFSOther:O#Top"
      Destination7a = "T#pov:A#PRICE_StockFSOther:O#Import"
      Source7b = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#PRICE_StockWIPother:O#Top"
      Destination7b = "T#pov:A#PRICE_StockWIPother:O#Import"
      Source7c = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#PRICE_StockFGother:O#Top"
      Destination7c = "T#pov:A#PRICE_StockFGother:O#Import"
      'In the case of VAL_O_StockALUMFreight in first month of BDGM scenario, its sourced from a predefined Model scenario and Time period and account, or Actual_Ops StockPurchFreightCost period M9 Sep
      Source8 = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#StockPurchFreightCost:O#Top:U8#LC"
      Destination8 = "T#pov:A#VAL_O_StockALUMFreight:O#Import:U8#LC"
      'In the case of StockICmarkupCost in the first month of BDGM forecast, its sourced from Actual_OPS account StockICmarkupCost and fixed period M9 Sep, and the result is used in IC Profit Elim price calc
      'on account StockICmarkupCost2 for Trading UD5 PC's and account StockICmarkupCost3 for Non-Trading UD5 PC's
      'For Fin Goods on Non-Trading UD5 PC's its based on a constant unit price calculated in Actual_OPS on PRICE_StockICmuFG in USD for UD5 Text 2 thats not Trading)
      Source9 = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#StockICmarkupCost:F#Final:O#Top:U8#USD"
      Destination9 = "T#pov:A#StockICmarkupCost2:F#Calc:O#Import:U1#220F:U8#USD"
      Source10 = "S#Actual_OPS:T#povprior4:A#PRICE_StockICmuFG:F#Final:O#Top:U8#USD"
      Destination10 = "T#pov:A#PRICE_StockICmuFG:F#Calc:O#Import:U1#220F:U8#USD"
      Formula = $"{Destination3}=RemoveZeros({Source3})", UD6filter:="U6#InputMats.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith ALUMINA)")
      Formula = $"{Destination4}=RemoveZeros({Source4})", UD6filter:="U6#InputMats.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith ALUMINA)")
      Formula = $"{Destination5}=RemoveZeros({Source5})", UD6filter:="U6#InputMats.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith ALUMINA)")
      Formula = $"{Destination6a}=RemoveZeros({Source6a})", UD6filter:="U6#InputMats.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith ALUMINA)")
      Formula = $"{Destination6b}=RemoveZeros({Source6b})", UD4filter:="U4#Product.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith WIP)")
      Formula = $"{Destination7a}=RemoveZeros({Source7a})", UD6filter:="U6#InputMats.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith ALUMINA)")
      Formula = $"{Destination7b}=RemoveZeros({Source7b})", UD4filter:="U4#Product.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith WIP)")
      Formula = $"{Destination7c}=RemoveZeros({Source7c})", UD4filter:="U4#Product.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith FG)")
      Formula = $"{Destination8}=RemoveZeros({Source8})", UD6filter:="U6#InputMats.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith ALUMINA)")
      Formula = $"{Destination9}=RemoveZeros({Source9})", UD4filter:="U4#Product.Base.Where(Text1 = FG)", UD5Filter:="U5#Top.Base.Where(Text2 = Trading)")
      Formula = $"{Destination10}=RemoveZeros({Source10})", UD4filter:="U4#Product.Base.Where(Text1 = FG)", UD5Filter:="U5#Top.Base.Where(Text2 <> Trading)")
      '================= BDGM MODEL SCENARIO LOGIC FOR PERIODS 2 ONWARDS ========================================================
      Source1a = "T#povprior1:A#VOL_C_StockALUM:O#Top"
      Destination1a = "T#pov:A#VOL_O_StockALUM:O#Import"
      Source1b = "T#povprior1:A#VOL_C_StockWIP:O#Top"
      Destination1b = "T#pov:A#VOL_O_StockWIP:O#Import"
      Source1c = "T#povprior1:A#VOL_C_StockFG:O#Top"
      Destination1c = "T#pov:A#VOL_O_StockFG:O#Import"
      Source1d = "T#povprior1:A#VOL_C_StockTR:O#Top"
      Destination1d = "T#pov:A#VOL_O_StockTR:O#Import"
      Source2a = "T#povprior1:A#VAL_C_StockALUM:O#Top:F#Final"
      Destination2a = "T#pov:A#VAL_O_StockALUM:O#Import:F#ImportBW"
      Source2b = "T#povprior1:A#VAL_C_StockWIP:O#Top:F#Final"
      Destination2b = "T#pov:A#VAL_O_StockWIP:O#Import:F#ImportBW"
      Source2c = "T#povprior1:A#VAL_C_StockFG:O#Top:F#Final"
      Destination2c = "T#pov:A#VAL_O_StockFG:O#Import:F#ImportBW"
      Source2d = "T#povprior1:A#VAL_C_StockTR:O#Top:F#Final"
      Destination2d = "T#pov:A#VAL_O_StockTR:O#Import:F#ImportBW"
      End If
      Formula = $"{Destination1a}=RemoveZeros({Source1a})", UD6filter:="U6#InputMats.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith ALUMINA)")
      Formula = $"{Destination1b}=RemoveZeros({Source1b})", UD4filter:="U4#Product.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith WIP)")
      Formula = $"{Destination1c}=RemoveZeros({Source1c})", UD4filter:="U4#Product.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith FG)", UD5filter:="U5#ProfitCenterbyFunction.Base.Where(Text2 doesnotcontain Trading)")
      Formula = $"{Destination1d}=RemoveZeros({Source1d})", UD4filter:="U4#Product.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith FG)", UD5filter:="U5#ProfitCenterbyFunction.Base.Where(Text2 = Trading)")
      Formula = $"{Destination2a}=RemoveZeros({Source2a})", UD6filter:="U6#InputMats.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith ALUMINA)")
      Formula = $"{Destination2b}=RemoveZeros({Source2b})", UD4filter:="U4#Product.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith WIP)")
      Formula = $"{Destination2c}=RemoveZeros({Source2c})", UD4filter:="U4#Product.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith FG)", UD5filter:="U5#ProfitCenterbyFunction.Base.Where(Text2 doesnotcontain Trading)")
      Formula = $"{Destination2d}=RemoveZeros({Source2d})", UD4filter:="U4#Product.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith FG)", UD5filter:="U5#ProfitCenterbyFunction.Base.Where(Text2 = Trading)")
      Formula = $"{Destination8}=RemoveZeros({Source8})", UD6filter:="U6#InputMats.Base.Where(Text1 Startswith ALUMINA)")
      End If
      End If


  • NicolasArgente's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Woo... it is longer than an Australian Truck ๐Ÿ™‚

    Can you try to disable all destinations except on. That will narrow down a lot already!

    • BenvanBergen's avatar

      Thanks a lot for helping out. The last row with destination8, was not defined for the Else part of the formula. I found first by adding the logging that the error was in period 2.

      Really happy and can now relax for the weekend.