Extensibility comparison
I know that there is the comparison utility, however I would like to compare extensibility in a cubeview. I am looking for a Dynamic Calc which gives me True or False if an account is part of the SummaryAccounts (compare the SummaryAccounts with the DetailedAccounts)
In the cubeview rows I will retrieve the A#DetailedAccounts.TreeDescendantsInclusive. In the columns I would like to have the dynamic calc which gives me true or false (in V#annotation) if part of the SummaryAccounts.
The result should look like this:
Somebody who already made/tried this? Or has a better solution?
Hi Arjen: you can put this logic into a UD8 DynamicCalc and use it display in a QuickView / CubeView
Dim viewMember As ViewMember = ViewMember.GetItem(api.Pov.View.MemberPk.MemberId) If viewMember.IsAnnotationType Then Dim selectedAcct As Member = api.Pov.Account Return BRApi.Finance.Members.GetAllMembers(si, BRApi.Finance.Dim.GetDimPk(si, "SummaryAccounts"), False).Contains(selectedAcct).ToString End If
Its simply getting all members from your SummaryAccounts dimension and checks if the current account is in the list.
Make sure when you use this you are not suppressing zero/nodata rows and columns. Else, just run it next to data (U8#None, U8#WhateverYouNameThisHelper:V#Annotation) so it doesn't get suppressed.