Forum Discussion

Beeswing77's avatar
New Contributor III
27 days ago

How to prevent journals on wrong entity

We have a workflow structure such that each entity has it's own workflow, with a number of steps for Import, Forms and Journals.  

We had an issue recently where one entity (e.g. E123) accidentally posted a journal to the wrong entity (e.g. E321).

I can't see any way in the workflow settings to prevent this.  I know in the Import workflow steps there is the option 'Can Load Unrelated Entities', but I can't see anything similar on the Adjustment workflow step.

  • T_Kress's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    As long as you assign your entity to the WF profile "Entity Assignment" tab and then make sure the "Adj" profile has "Can Load Unrelated Entities" as False, this will prevent a user from posting a journal to any entity other than what is in the WF profile "Entity Assignment". 

    This setup is shown below.


    • Beeswing77's avatar
      New Contributor III

      That's interesting. We don't have the 'Can Load Unrelated Entities' setting.  There isn't even an 'Integration Settings' section.  We're still on Version 7, so perhaps that's why.

      I can see the setting on an Import type workflow, but not on Adj.

      I guess we need to get on with the upgrade to V8!

      Thanks for your input!

      • T_Kress's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        Interesting.  Yes, v8 upgrade my be best option.  Otherwise you could do a journal event handler to prevent someone from picking multiple entities or force people to use templates where you have "Is Single Entity" set to True.  But easiest may be an upgrade!  Lots of great enhancements in v8!