Forum Discussion

jwagner's avatar
New Contributor III
3 months ago

Member PropertyID Data Dictionary

Hello OneStream Community, 

A few days ago a colleague of mine wanted to know the meaning of the various PropertyId constants present in one of the Application Database Audit Tables.

I was unable to find any OneStream specific documentation on this PropertyId code and its meaning, so I created a business rule to complete the puzzle and get what we needed for the metadata audit at a very granular level.  For any one else experiencing an issue similar like this here is a table of the Member property Id's and their meaning.

Dimension | PropertyID | PropertyDescription
Entity PropertyID | 100 | Currency
Scenario PropertyID | 100 | ScenarioType
Account PropertyID | 100 | AccountType
Entity PropertyID | 150 | IsConsolidated
Entity PropertyID | 200 | IsIC
Scenario PropertyID | 200 | InputFrequency
Account PropertyID | 200 | FormulaType
Flow PropertyID | 200 | FormulaType
UDx PropertyID | 200 | FormulaType
Scenario PropertyID | 300 | DefaultView
Account PropertyID | 300 | AllowInput
Flow PropertyID | 300 | AllowInput
UDx PropertyID | 300 | AllowInput
Scenario PropertyID | 400 | CalculateFromGridsGroup
Account PropertyID | 400 | IsConsolidated
Flow PropertyID | 400 | IsConsolidated
UDx PropertyID | 400 | IsConsolidated
Scenario PropertyID | 500 | ManageDataGroup
Account PropertyID | 500 | IsIC
Flow PropertyID | 500 | SwitchSign
UDx PropertyID | 500 | AlternateCurrencyForDisplay
Account PropertyID | 600 | UseAltInputCurrencyInFlow
Flow PropertyID | 600 | SwitchType
Account PropertyID | 700 | PlugAccount
UDx PropertyID | 10100 | IsAttributeMember
UDx PropertyID | 10200 | AttributeMemberSourceMember
UDx PropertyID | 10300 | AttributeMemberExpressionType
UDx PropertyID | 10400 | AttributeMemberRelatedDimType1
UDx PropertyID | 10500 | AttributeMemberPropType1
UDx PropertyID | 10600 | AttributeMemberComparisonText1
UDx PropertyID | 10700 | AttributeMemberOperatorType1
Scenario PropertyID | 30100 | InputViewForAdj
Account PropertyID | 30100 | InputViewForAdj
Scenario PropertyID | 30200 | NoDataZeroViewForAdj
Account PropertyID | 30200 | NoDataZeroViewForAdj
Scenario PropertyID | 30300 | NoDataZeroViewForNonAdj
Account PropertyID | 30300 | NoDataZeroViewForNonAdj
Scenario PropertyID | 30400 | ConsolidationView
Scenario PropertyID | 30500 | Formula
Scenario PropertyID | 40000 | UseInWorkflow
Scenario PropertyID | 40100 | WorkflowTrackingFrequency
Scenario PropertyID | 40500 | WorkflowNumNoInputTimePeriods
Scenario PropertyID | 50100 | UseCubeFxSettings
Account PropertyID | 50100 | UsedOnEntityDim
Flow PropertyID | 50100 | FlowProcessingType
Scenario PropertyID | 50200 | FxRateTypeForRevenueExpense
Account PropertyID | 50200 | UsedOnConsDim
Flow PropertyID | 50200 | AlternateInputCurrency
Entity PropertyID | 300100 | FlowConstraint
Account PropertyID | 300100 | FlowConstraint
Entity PropertyID | 300200 | ICConstraint
Account PropertyID | 300200 | ICConstraint
Entity PropertyID | 300400 | UD1Constraint
Account PropertyID | 300400 | UD1Constraint
Entity PropertyID | 300500 | UD2Constraint
Account PropertyID | 300500 | UD2Constraint
UDx PropertyID | 300500 | UD2Constraint
Entity PropertyID | 300600 | UD3Constraint
Account PropertyID | 300600 | UD3Constraint
UDx PropertyID | 300600 | UD3Constraint
Entity PropertyID | 300700 | UD4Constraint
Account PropertyID | 300700 | UD4Constraint
UDx PropertyID | 300700 | UD4Constraint
Entity PropertyID | 300800 | UD5Constraint
Account PropertyID | 300800 | UD5Constraint
UDx PropertyID | 300800 | UD5Constraint
Entity PropertyID | 300900 | UD6Constraint
Account PropertyID | 300900 | UD6Constraint
UDx PropertyID | 300900 | UD6Constraint
Entity PropertyID | 301000 | UD7Constraint
Account PropertyID | 301000 | UD7Constraint
UDx PropertyID | 301000 | UD7Constraint
Entity PropertyID | 301100 | UD8Constraint
Account PropertyID | 301100 | UD8Constraint
UDx PropertyID | 301100 | UD8Constraint
Account PropertyID | 500100 | WorkflowChannel
UDx PropertyID | 500100 | WorkflowChannel
Entity PropertyID | 500300 | SiblingConsolidationPass
Entity PropertyID | 500500 | AutoTranslationCurrencies
Entity PropertyID | 700100 | InUse
Account PropertyID | 700100 | InUse
Flow PropertyID | 700100 | InUse
UDx PropertyID | 700100 | InUse
Entity PropertyID | 700200 | AllowAdjustments
Account PropertyID | 700200 | Formula
Flow PropertyID | 700200 | Formula
UDx PropertyID | 700200 | Formula
Account PropertyID | 700210 | FormulaForCalcDrillDown
Flow PropertyID | 700210 | FormulaForCalcDrillDown
UDx PropertyID | 700210 | FormulaForCalcDrillDown
Entity PropertyID | 700300 | AllowAdjustmentsFromChildren
Account PropertyID | 700300 | AdjustmentType
Entity PropertyID | 900100 | Text1
Scenario PropertyID | 900100 | Text1
Account PropertyID | 900100 | Text1
Flow PropertyID | 900100 | Text1
UDx PropertyID | 900100 | Text1
Entity PropertyID | 900200 | Text2
Scenario PropertyID | 900200 | Text2
Account PropertyID | 900200 | Text2
Flow PropertyID | 900200 | Text2
UDx PropertyID | 900200 | Text2
Entity PropertyID | 900300 | Text3
Scenario PropertyID | 900300 | Text3
Account PropertyID | 900300 | Text3
Flow PropertyID | 900300 | Text3
UDx PropertyID | 900300 | Text3
Entity PropertyID | 900400 | Text4
Scenario PropertyID | 900400 | Text4
Account PropertyID | 900400 | Text4
Flow PropertyID | 900400 | Text4
UDx PropertyID | 900400 | Text4
Entity PropertyID | 900500 | Text5
Scenario PropertyID | 900500 | Text5
Account PropertyID | 900500 | Text5
Flow PropertyID | 900500 | Text5
UDx PropertyID | 900500 | Text5
Entity PropertyID | 900600 | Text6
Scenario PropertyID | 900600 | Text6
Account PropertyID | 900600 | Text6
Flow PropertyID | 900600 | Text6
UDx PropertyID | 900600 | Text6
Entity PropertyID | 900700 | Text7
Scenario PropertyID | 900700 | Text7
Account PropertyID | 900700 | Text7
Flow PropertyID | 900700 | Text7
UDx PropertyID | 900700 | Text7
Entity PropertyID | 900800 | Text8
Scenario PropertyID | 900800 | Text8
Account PropertyID | 900800 | Text8
Flow PropertyID | 900800 | Text8
UDx PropertyID | 900800 | Text8


  • ChristianW's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Great job, but be careful using this information.

    These IDs are for internal usage and can change between releases. If you like to have a short look at the table using an SQL statement, this is fine.

    But if you need to create a data adapter to report on top of it, I would suggest using the API to resolve the ID.