Forum Discussion

RandyThompson's avatar
New Contributor III
3 years ago

Move data between mutually exclusive cubes (not linked) with different extensibility

I need to move data between two mutually exclusive cubes. Cube1 (FinPlan) U3 dimension base level is ProductType, Cube2(SalesFcst) UD3 base level is SKU which rollup up to ProductType. SKU also has a...
  • chul's avatar
    3 years ago

    On your second approach, create a DM Export Sequence Data Source. Since you're creating a transformation rule for accounts, create one for your UD3 (you can use Excel to bring in the text6 value and upload the trx). The other dimensions would use your PassThru rules.

    Not clear if this is a one-time exercise or you're moving data as an ongoing process.