Multiple OS Applications
I have a question about multiple applications. I know typically people think of OneStream as having everything within one application seperated by cubes. Thinking of an application where Planning activities are quite different than existing consolidation activities and I am a bit weary of trying to jam it all into the existing Consolidation application. I am wondering if it would be easier to organize in a seperate application altogether so there would be a planning application and a consolidation application and the planning data would eventually be loaded into the Consolidation Application after it's approved. There are a number of reasons that lead me to entertain this idea one of which is performance and that we may only ever want to 'Aggregate/C#Aggregated' the data in Planning and 'Consolidate/C#Local' the data in the Consolidation application and we don't want it to get confusing with what data to use for the users. Other reasons relate to unrequired members and performance tuning / metadata setup that might not lend itself to combining apps. Is two applications a 'sanctioned' idea in OneStream? The OS Planning Book references the word 'Planning Application' from time to time and that suggests they could be referring to a seperate Planning application as opposed to just a seperate cube.