No Security Access Validation Message
Hi, I am testing V 7.2.3 in our Dev environment. Production is still on 6.5. The security and user groups, data sources, and workflow profiles are identical between the two. I am able to import and validate TB's in the workflow, but several others are not able to Validate in the Dev environment. Has anyone else experienced this? The validation message is "No Security Access", but the workflow profile and security groups are idential to prod.
We found an answer to this. In our case, the issue was that the user in question needed to be a member (directly or indirectly) of
the "ModifyData_Security" accessGroup, which is the one that had the application security role of "ModifyData". It was not immediately intuitive that one would need access to the ModifyData role in order to do or see validation messages, but I guess it makes some sense.