4 years agoNew Contributor II
Security Models
Hi Everyone,
Curious to hear others’ experience in the area of Security. At BDO, we currently have:
- 5k users configured, of which 4.5k are enabled. 3.6k are in our “basic” level security group, which we have automation to create and assign users to this group when they meet certain criteria. We have seen in our first year live about 50% of our enabled users utilizing our Production App at some point during the year.
- Primarily focus on Data Level Access (Cube Slice Security) to control access, which 1 of our 3 cubes has 137 slices configured in it, which is the most granular of our 3 cubes.
- For groups we are currently at 312, of which 150 have users directly assigned and the others are for nesting shared access across groups.
- For security, we do very little control by Entity or Workflows since most access to data is controlled in Cube Slices based on our U2 (Location) and U3 (Department), and outside of our automated loads, few users load data via workflows.
Would like to hear other’s experience! How many users and groups do you have? Is your security model granular or more open and simple? Do you use any automation to manage your model? Anything unique about your model and processes for security?