Slice Security vs Conditional Input Finance Business Rule
Hi All,
I am wondering if anyone has an opinion on using slice security for specific UD3 level security vs. using a Finance Business Rule to control access to certain UD3 members. Basically, I am looking to say if a user is in a certain security group, they should not be able to write data to certain UD3 members. I believe it can easily be written using slice security (Cube Data Access Security) or with a conditional input FBR (if user in g. I see an advantage to not having to update every entity with turning the Data Access Security to True and potentially adding categories vs with a BR, just writing a rule that doesn't touch metadata. I tend to typically try to avoid 'touching' existing metadata if I don't have to especially when adding in a Planning Cube next to a pre-existing and well established Consolidation Cube. Does anyone know if there is any real pro/con to either approach other than less updating of metadata which I mention above? Would performance factor in or if the security / rules are setup similarly, are they essentially doing the same kind of processing?