Forum Discussion

Shivangi's avatar
New Contributor III
4 months ago

Task Activity


Out of Curiosity, 

Is it possible to update Task Activity.

  • Hi

    You would use this BRApi to control the display of (a) the Task Activity Description and (b) the Percentage Complete value for the progress of a running task that is executed by Data Management through an Extender Business Rule or Data Management Workspace Service (we need to pass in ExtenderArgs).  

    Dim bValue As Boolean = BRApi.TaskActivity.UpdateRunningTaskActivityAndCheckIfCanceled(si, extenderArgs, activityDescription, percentCompleteToAdd)

    Updating the percentCompleteToAdd variable on the Task Activity window will only affect the Display and not make the process run more quickly. For Example, here I am able to control what gets displayed in the Task Progress window using this BRApi e.g.

    Hope this helps





  • MG's avatar
    Community Manager

    I really wouldn't. What's the requirement?

  • I have not personally used this function, but it looks like BRApi.TaskActivity.UpdateRunningTaskActivityAndCheckIfCanceled() will allow you to do so.

    • sameburn's avatar
      Contributor III


      You would use this BRApi to control the display of (a) the Task Activity Description and (b) the Percentage Complete value for the progress of a running task that is executed by Data Management through an Extender Business Rule or Data Management Workspace Service (we need to pass in ExtenderArgs).  

      Dim bValue As Boolean = BRApi.TaskActivity.UpdateRunningTaskActivityAndCheckIfCanceled(si, extenderArgs, activityDescription, percentCompleteToAdd)

      Updating the percentCompleteToAdd variable on the Task Activity window will only affect the Display and not make the process run more quickly. For Example, here I am able to control what gets displayed in the Task Progress window using this BRApi e.g.

      Hope this helps

