Using Assembly's XFBRs
Hi all,
I'm in trouble in using an XFBR from an Assembly, inside a Data Adapter.
I've just discovered that it's possible to use the XFBR function as part of a SQL Command, like this:
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyField = 'XFBR(MyBR, MyFunction, Param1=|!prm_Whatever!|)'
I was surprised to see it working, but this is not the point.
When MyBR is defined as a Business Rule, everything isworking fine.
Then I moved the Business Rule into a Service XFBR. Since the Factory is defined at Workspace level, I converted the query as:
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyField = 'XFBR(WS, MyFunction, Param1=|!prm_Whatever!|)'
Directly testing the Data Adapter everything works fine, I can see the converted query and also the results.
Now, the problems:
The above mentioned Data Adapter is used by a Report. When the XFBR is defined under the Business Rules area, everything is ok.
When I launch the report (from a Dashboard), i get the following error:
Error processing XFBR String 'MyFunction'. Unable to find the Workspace Assembly Service Factory class for name 'WS' in Workspace 'Default'
Not clear what I'm missing. Can someone point me in the right direction, please ?
As an additional info, let me say that the DataSet/DashBoard/etc were moved from the Default WorkSpace into a brand new WorkSpace (but I cannot see any reference to the Default WorkSpace in Data Adapter or Report)
Thanks a lot