Forum Discussion

bisenhart's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

Adding a sparkline to a Cubeview

Hi there - I'm looking to add a sparkline image at the end of my cube view / page. The cube view trends 13 months of actuals. How can I add this?

  • T_Kress's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    To add a chart or graph in OneStream, you will need to do it through a dashboard component such as one of the following:


    • bisenhart's avatar
      New Contributor II

      I dont have those "chart" add-on feature's (still need to be installed). Is there any other option to add it?

      • T_Kress's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        There is nothing to "install".  You can access or set up a new chart by following these steps:

        1. Go to Application tab
        2. Go to Dashboards page
        3. Create a new Dashboard Maintenance Unit
        4. Click the "Create Dashboard Component" button and choose which component you with to create

        More info can be found on OneStream Navigator or various courses on Dashboarding.

    • bisenhart's avatar
      New Contributor II

      That worked! thanks! I chose the feature, "Charts Advanced" can you guide me where I go from here?

      • T_Kress's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        The next steps would be to:


        1. Set up a data adaptor that refers to your cube view as the "Command Type
        2. Use that data adaptor on your dashboard component

        For any more info you will want to go to OneStream Navigator or attend one of the advanced dashboarding courses that gets in to setting up charts and graphs.