Forum Discussion

sfilho's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Clear combo box selected elements

I created a combo box in a dashboard and the combo box is associated with a parameter that provides a considerable list of elements for selection. The user would like to have a button to clear all the selected elements as needed.

Would you know of any alternative to clear the selected elements from the combo box?

Thank you for all the help.


  • ChristianW's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    You can do it with a simple dashboard extender business rule.

    • Krishna's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      I agree but I tried and it is not working.  the below is the code in the ComponentSelectionChanged not sure what am missing.  IN the below code I am passing 2 parameters one is the ComboBox Name and the other is the empty string.




      selectionChangedTaskResult.ChangeCustomSubstVarsInDashboard = True

      • ChristianW's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        Did you return the selectionChangedTaskResult at the end?

        Did you refresh the dashboards containing the drop-down boxes?