Conditional Formatting on BWPercent column
I have the following column member filter.
S#Actual, S#Budget3, S#Actual:T#YearPrior1(|!Param_Time_Select!|)Period(|!Param_Time_Select!|), GetDataCell(BWDiff(S#Actual, S#Budget3)):Name(BW Diff), GetDataCell(BWPercent(S#Actual, S#Budget3)):Name(BW %), GetDataCell("BWDiff(S#Actual,S#Actual:T#[YearPrior1(|!Param_Time_Select!|)Period(|!Param_Time_Select!|)])"):Name(BW Diff), GetDataCell("BWPercent(S#Actual,S#Actual:T#[YearPrior1(|!Param_Time_Select!|)Period(|!Param_Time_Select!|)])"):Name(BW %)
I'm needing to Conditional format the BWPercent column with %'s, and I can't figure out how to refer to that column with a conditional format that works. Any ideas?
Hi johnal67 , each comma creates a new Column in your Cube View. Making it difficult to isolate the one instance and format for BWPercent. The quickest way to accomplish this would be to break out those in to separate columns.
In this case you can isolate the VarPct column definition and format it as a % for display.
Hope this helps.