Forum Discussion

kstandifer's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Conditional Suppression in CV

Is it possible to use conditional suppression in CubeViews? For example, I would like to suppress row/columns when a value is greater than zero.

  • db_pdx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi kstandifer:

    Each report block (the row/column sections you add in the cube view layout) can have independent suppression.  Select the row/column you would like to add the suppression to, select the 'Data' tab, scroll to the Suppression section, set the 'Zero Suppression Threshold' to your target amount.

    Cheers    -db

    • kstandifer's avatar
      New Contributor

      I thought the zero suppression threshold would suppress items that were below a set amount, like if I put in $10 it would suppress everything under that amount. I want to suppress everything OVER $0. Can that be done in that area?

      • db_pdx's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        Unfortunately, no, the standard behavior is to suppress less than the threshold.