Forum Discussion

CAIGuySeanF's avatar
11 months ago

Cube View - Column and Row Index

Is it possible to use a variable or dynamic selection on the the index?  For example, I would like it to vary based on the cubeview time, e.g. - an index of 1:(SubPeriodNum).

See example below.

  • Krishna's avatar
    11 months ago

    CAIGuySeanF  -

    1. You have to create Dashboard XFBR String Rule under Business Rules.

    2. Call the XFBR in your CV Col Ex XFBR(BRName,FunctionName, Param1 = Value1) Based on the below Code


    Hope this helps. 

    				'Function Name
    				If args.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("YearParamRpt9") Then
                    'Get the Parameter from Cube     
                    Dim Pov As String = args.NameValuePairs("ParamYear")
    					If FinalMon = "2024M3" Then
    						Return "GetDataCell(CVC(Actuals, 1)+CVC(Actuals, 2)+CVC(Actuals, 3))"
    					End If
    				End If


    • CAIGuySeanF's avatar

      Hey Krishna, I'm currently using that logic but want to make it dynamic.  My index needs to change each month as the column is AllPriorInYearInclusive.

      For March, I needed the member filter to be..

      CVC(Actuals, 1)+
      CVC(Actuals, 2)+
      CVC(Actuals, 3)

      For April, I don't want to go back into the cubeview to add the 4th index.  I want to be able to automate it to pull all the values or base it off a parameter.


      • Krishna's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        CAIGuySeanF  - Got it. You can use the XFBR for this based on the Time Period Filter it should return the GetDataCell formula. so you do not need to change every month.

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    CubeViews aren't Excel; in most cases, it makes more sense to try and reason in terms of member expansions rather than in terms of cells.

    For example, what you want can likely be obtained by having a "MyCol" column defined as:
    (you can set its visibility to "CVMathOnly" if you don't want to actually display all generated columns), then another column that simply sums up its values with:

  • When I try this approach, the getdatacell returns the value of only the first indexed column.  

    So for example, if my CVTime was 2024M3.. the CVMathOnly column would actually generate three columns.. 2024M1, 2024M2, 2024M3.  The secondary column doing the get datacell only brings back 2024M1.