Forum Discussion

MeganN's avatar
New Contributor II
7 months ago

Cube View - Multiple Columns per Entity

Hello,  I am trying to change the columns of a cube view so that using entity ChildrenInclusive we get each column sectioned by each entity and in one single tab. We want this to be in one tab, not...
  • db_pdx's avatar
    7 months ago

    Hi MeganN: you're on the right track, but need to use a slightly different conditional formatting.

    If (ColE2HeaderDisplayText = 'Variance B/W') AND ((CellAmount > 4000000) OR (CellAmount < -4000000)) Then
    BackgroundColor = Pink
    End If

     If we focus on the first conditional:

    (ColE2HeaderDisplayText = 'Variance B/W')

    This is saying, format based on:

    • Col = Columns
    • E2 = Member Expansion 2
    • HeaderDisplayText = the specific name you're using since you have GetDataCell():Name() 

    There are similar versions that can be used on the MemberName or MemberDescription as well: ColE2MemberName, ColE2MemberDescription, respectively.

    Let me now if that works for you.  Cheers,    -db

    Edit: typos