Cube View - Return Blank Columns Where No Members Have a Specific Text Value
Hello - I'm working on a cube view that will be used to add variance commentary. The rows have accounts and subtotals, the first column will have a specific entity that will not change, then the next set of columns will be dynamic. I have it set to pull base entities based on specific text values. The entities that do have the first text value (called "DP_2023Q4") are appearing as intended, however there are no entities that have the text value (AQ_2023Q4) in the member filter of the next column, so when I run the CV it just repeats the first column to the right of the columns with the DP_2023Q4 entities. I have several questions for this:
1. How can I set the cube view to return a blank column if there are no base members that have a particular text value? I added a column override with a UD8 dynamic calc set to return nothing if there's no data, and that didn't work.
2. Right now the member filters are set to look for text values that have "DP_|WFYear|Q4" and "AQ_|WFYear|Q4". This should be dynamic too, because there will be text values with quarter suffixes in the future like "DP_2024Q1" for example. The WF year parameter is working, but I can't figure out how to retrieve the quarter "sub-period" (the 4 in Q4), so I wouldn't need to update this filter every quarter. How would I do this?