I'd like assistance with utilizing a formula within the UD1 dimension section of the attached POV Cube view. Specifically, I am trying to subtract one cost center from another. So the formula I'm hop...
Depending on the complexity of the requirement, you could also use parameters and XFBRs on the rows/columns to make the relationships more dynamic. For example, you could pass XFBR(XfbrRuleName, FunctionName, firstUd1=|!prm_SelectMember1!|, secondUd1=|!prm_SelectMember2!|). There are several ways to accomplish this, but a simple one is shown below.
You may also want to consider using alternate reporting hierarchies if there are numerous instances of such Ud1 relationships (particularly if the Ud1 members you subtract against do not change). What is best really depends on the circumstances.