Cube View to automatically select Workflow entities
- 3 years ago
Is the workflow entity set in the cube view's POV? You can use E#Root.WFProfileEntities as a member filter to fetch entities that are assigned to a workflow though you need to have the Entity dimension setup as a cube view row or column.
Option 2 would be to create a dashboard parameter of type Member List and and set the Member Filter field to E#Root.WFProfileEntities. You then assign this parameter to your cube view Entity POV.
Option 3 like Sudarshan mentioned above is to create an XFBR rule that returns the entity assigned to workflow:
Dim WfGUID As guid = si.WorkflowClusterPk.ProfileKey 'gets the profile key from user's current workflow
Dim EntityList As List(Of WorkflowProfileEntityInfo) = BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetProfileEntities(si, WfGUID)Return EntityList(0).EntityName 'Returns to calling XFBR the 1st entity assigned to workflow.