Forum Discussion

dbeavon's avatar
4 years ago

Cubeview member filter builder to allow multi-line expressions

Is there a way to use multi-line expressions in the definition of my cubeview rows?

I would like to break down some of my expressions that are growing too long.  But my fear is that when I use multi-line expressions (assuming that is possible), then other onestream developers won't know about that - since the cubeview doesn't give any visual cue to show that multiple lines are being used.  Here is an example of a really long expression that I'd like to break apart.


E#AllBranches.Base:Name("{BranchCode = XFMemberProperty(DimType=Entity,Member=|MFEntity|,Property=Name)},{BranchCurrency = XFMemberProperty(DimType=Entity, Member=|MFEntity|, Property=Currency)},{BranchText2 = XFMemberProperty(DimType=Entity, Member=|MFEntity|, Property=Text2)},{BranchText6 = XFMemberProperty(DimType=Entity, Member=|MFEntity|, Property=Text6)}, XFMemberProperty(DimType=Entity,Member=|MFEntity|,Property=Description)")

  • db_pdx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Not sure on the multi-line part, but a potential alternative if you are generating the same text string in multiple reports would be to put the complex logic into an XFBR String formula.  You'll get the benefit of shortened text description in the cube views at the expense of maintaining the logic in the BR.

    Cheers -DB

    • dbeavon's avatar

      This is helpful.  I will leave the question open for a little longer ... in case anyone is aware of if/how it is possible to have multi-line expressions.  The length of some of our expressions seem problematic, and unsustainable. 


      I realize that I'm using the cubeviews in a fairly unusual way.  But I think this issue is one that is eventually encountered by anyone who is working with complex requirements.  Perhaps it should be possible to have a small amount of BR logic that is in closer proximity to the cubeview itself... possibly embedded in the cubeview. 

      • ChristianW's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        I totally agree with db_pdx. In addition to the benefits you are looking for, accessing the properties within a business rule is much easier and cleaner.