3 years agoContributor
Cubeview Underline last expanded member before totals
This seems very standard, so I have to be missing something. I have the row filter on a Cubeview "A#6020.TreeDescendantsInclusiveR". 6020 is the total line for all the single level descendants. How do I get only the last descendant to be underlined in the report before the Total line of 6020?
If it is for reports, you can use the execute cubeview extender inline formula:
your sample would look similar to this:
Select Case args.FunctionType Case Is = CVExtenderFunctionType.GetReportOptions 'Dim reportOptions As New CVExtenderReportOptions() 'reportOptions.ReportMarginTop = -1.0 'reportOptions.ReportMarginBottom = -1.0 'reportOptions.PageHeaderTitlesHeight = -1.0 'reportOptions.PageFooterHeight = -1.0 'Return reportOptions Case Is = CVExtenderFunctionType.FormatReportUIItem Dim uiItem As CVExtenderReportUIItem = args.Report.CurrentUIItem Dim dimPkObj As DimPk = BRApi.Finance.Dim.GetDimPk(si, "HoustonAccounts") Dim rowMemberId As Integer = uiItem.GetRowHeaderMemberId(0) If BRApi.Finance.Members.HasChildren(si, dimPkObj, rowMemberId) uiitem.BorderColor = XFColors.Blue uiitem.BorderLineStyle = XFReportLineStyle.Solid uiitem.BorderSides = XFSides.Top uiitem.BorderThickness = 1 End If End Select Return Nothing