Forum Discussion

johnal67's avatar
3 years ago

Cubeview Underline last expanded member before totals

This seems very standard, so I have to be missing something.  I have the row filter on a Cubeview "A#6020.TreeDescendantsInclusiveR".  6020 is the total line for all the single level descendants.  How do I get only the last descendant to be underlined in the report before the Total line of 6020?

  • If it is for reports, you can use the execute cubeview extender inline formula:

    your sample would look similar to this:

    Select Case args.FunctionType
    	Case Is = CVExtenderFunctionType.GetReportOptions
    		'Dim reportOptions As New CVExtenderReportOptions()
    		'reportOptions.ReportMarginTop = -1.0
    		'reportOptions.ReportMarginBottom = -1.0
    		'reportOptions.PageHeaderTitlesHeight = -1.0
    		'reportOptions.PageFooterHeight = -1.0
    		'Return reportOptions
    	Case Is = CVExtenderFunctionType.FormatReportUIItem
    		Dim uiItem As CVExtenderReportUIItem = args.Report.CurrentUIItem
    		Dim dimPkObj As DimPk = BRApi.Finance.Dim.GetDimPk(si, "HoustonAccounts")
    		Dim rowMemberId As Integer = uiItem.GetRowHeaderMemberId(0)
    		If BRApi.Finance.Members.HasChildren(si, dimPkObj, rowMemberId)
    			uiitem.BorderColor = XFColors.Blue
    			uiitem.BorderLineStyle = XFReportLineStyle.Solid
    			uiitem.BorderSides = XFSides.Top
    			uiitem.BorderThickness = 1
    		End If			
    End Select
    Return Nothing
  • db_pdx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hey johnai67: a combination of conditional formatting logic can hopefully get the job done.

    Something like the below, which will be entered on the Row component of the cube view, likely in both the Header Format and Cell Format.

    If (RowE1IndentLevel = 0) Then
    Bold = True
    End If

    The TreeDescendantsInclusiveR will keep the final member as indentation=0 which we can use for then denoting special formatting. Feel free to browse the other conditional methods that can be referenced.

    That said, the full solution per your question (a line above this final row) feels bugged in my opinion.  It would be designated as such:

    If (RowE1IndentLevel = 0) Then
    Bold = True, ReportTopLine1Color = Black, ReportTopLine1Thickness = 1, ReportUseTopLine1 = True
    End If

    It correctly applies the bold, but incorrectly applies toplines to all member expansions.  I'm wondering if we can get someone like ChristianW to weigh in here.  Bug or incorrect syntax?



    • ChristianW's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      Hi dp_pdx

      I think you are right, this might be a bug, can you please report it to our support.

      Thanks and cheers



      • johnal67's avatar

        So my original row I'll have to break into two rows, first being A#6020.Treedescendants, and the second being A#6020 with the topline?  Worst part is in this case I have around 20 accounts, so that will be another 20 rows.