Forum Discussion

Ritesh's avatar
New Contributor
8 months ago


Hello Team - I am working on a cube view where I would want the resulting values (variance amount) to sort with the highest value first.

Wondering if anyone else has attempted this.

Thanks, Ritesh

  • RachealCrowder's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Hi Ritesh,

    I would recommend reviewing snippets for "List Ranked".  This will guide you through how to write in a Finance Business Rule to attach to your cube under the FinanceFunctionType MemberList.  

    Kind regards,

    Racheal Crowder


    'Reference Code: XFR_MemberListRanked
    'Description: Use a business rule retrieve a list of cells and then rank them by the Top or Bottom (N) values.
    'Usage: This member list is used to return the list of TopN cells across entites.
    ' Example member filters to be added in cubeview column member filter property.
    ' TopN: E#Root.CustomMemberList(BRName = XFR_MemberListRanked, MemberListName = Ranked, RankType = (Top,Bottom,Min,Max), RankCount = X, LoopMemberFilter = E#Root.Base, DataCellToRankMemberFilter = CB#:E#... )
    ' E#Root.CustomMemberList(BRName = XFR_MemberListRanked, MemberListName = Ranked, RankType = Top, RankCount = 10, LoopMemberFilter = E#Root.Base, DataCellToRankMemberFilter = Cb#GolfStream:E#Houston:P#Houston:C#USD:S#Actual:T#2011M3:V#YTD:A#60000:F#None:O#Top:I#Top:U1#Top:U2#Top:U3#Top:U4#Top:U5#None:U6#None:U7#None:U8#None)
    'Created By: OneStream
    'Date Created: 06-01-2016
    Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As FinanceRulesApi, ByVal args As FinanceRulesArgs) As Object
    Select Case api.FunctionType
    Case Is = FinanceFunctionType.MemberListHeaders
    Dim memListHeaders As New List(Of MemberListHeader)
    memListHeaders.Add(New MemberListHeader("Ranked"))
    Return memListHeaders

    Case Is = FinanceFunctionType.MemberList
    Dim listName As String = args.MemberListArgs.MemberListName

    If listName.Equals("Ranked", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
    Dim memListHeader As New MemberListHeader(args.MemberListArgs.MemberListName)
    Dim topNMems As List(Of Member) = Me.GetRankedMembers(si, api, args)
    Dim topNMemList As New MemberList(memListHeader, topNMems)
    Return topNMemList
    End If

    End Select

    Return Nothing
    Catch ex As Exception
    Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    End Try
    End Function

    #Region "Data Ranking Helpers"

    Private Function GetRankedMembers(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal api As FinanceRulesApi, ByVal args As FinanceRulesArgs) As List(Of Member)
    'Create lists for ranking
    Dim rankedCells As New List(Of MemberAndCellValue)

    'Get the Passed in parameters
    Dim rankType As String = args.MemberListArgs.NameValuePairs("RankType")
    Dim rankCount As Integer = args.MemberListArgs.NameValuePairs("RankCount")
    Dim loopMemberFilter As String = args.MemberListArgs.NameValuePairs("LoopMemberFilter")
    Dim dataCellMemberFilter As String = args.MemberListArgs.NameValuePairs("DataCellToRankMemberFilter")
    Dim cubeName As String = New MemberScriptBuilder(dataCellMemberFilter).Cube

    'Excute the looping filter and retrieve the data cells to rank
    Dim loopDimPk As DimPk = Me.GetDimPKForLoopMemberFilter(si, api, cubeName, loopMemberFilter, dataCellMemberFilter)
    Dim loopMembersToRank As List(Of MemberInfo) = api.Members.GetMembersUsingFilter(loopDimPk, loopMemberFilter, Nothing)
    If Not loopMembersToRank Is Nothing Then
    'Loop over all members and get the cells to be ranked
    For Each loopMember As MemberInfo In loopMembersToRank
    'Substitute the Entity and get the Data Cell
    Dim mfb As MemberScriptBuilder = Me.GetSubstitutedDataCellMemberFilter(si, loopMemberFilter, dataCellMemberFilter, loopMember.Member.Name)
    Dim dataCell As DataCellInfoUsingMemberScript = BRApi.Finance.Data.GetDataCellUsingMemberScript(si, cubeName, mfb.GetMemberScript)
    If Not dataCell Is Nothing Then
    'Do NOT include invalid/No data
    If Not (dataCell.DataCellEx.DataCell.CellStatus.Invalid) And (Not dataCell.DataCellEx.DataCell.CellStatus.IsNoData) Then
    rankedCells.Add(New MemberAndCellValue(loopMember.Member, dataCell.DataCellEx.DataCell.CellAmount))
    End If
    End If
    End If

    'Prepare the list of ranked Members
    Dim rankedEntities As New List(Of Member)

    'Order the Cells based on Rank Type
    If rankType.Equals("Top", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
    'Sort Descending and return Top N ranked members
    Dim rankedResults = From s In rankedCells Order By s.CellValue Descending
    Dim itemCount As Integer = 1
    For Each memAndCell As MemberAndCellValue In rankedResults
    If (itemCount <= rankCount) Then
    itemCount = itemCount + 1
    End If

    Else If rankType.Equals("Bottom", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
    'Sort Ascending and return Top N ranked members
    Dim rankedResults = From s In rankedCells Order By s.CellValue Ascending
    Dim itemCount As Integer = 1
    For Each memAndCell As MemberAndCellValue In rankedResults
    If (itemCount <= rankCount) Then
    itemCount = itemCount + 1
    End If

    Else If rankType.Equals("Min", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
    'Sort Descending and return first item (Minimum)
    Dim rankedResults = From s In rankedCells Order By s.CellValue Ascending
    For Each memAndCell As MemberAndCellValue In rankedResults
    Exit For

    Else If rankType.Equals("Max", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
    'Sort Ascending and return first item (Maximum)
    Dim rankedResults = From s In rankedCells Order By s.CellValue Descending
    For Each memAndCell As MemberAndCellValue In rankedResults
    Exit For
    End If

    'Return only the ranked members
    Return rankedEntities

    Catch ex As Exception
    Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    End Try
    End Function

    Private Function GetDimTypeForLoopMemberFilter(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal loopMemberFilter As String) As DimType
    'Get the Dim Type of the Loop Filter
    Dim filterParts As List(Of String) = StringHelper.SplitString(loopMemberFilter,"#", StageConstants.ParserDefaults.DefaultQuoteCharacter)
    If filterParts.Count > 0 Then
    Return DimType.GetItem(filterParts(0))
    Return DimType.Unknown
    End If

    Catch ex As Exception
    Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    End Try
    End Function

    Private Function GetDimPKForLoopMemberFilter(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal api As FinanceRulesApi, ByVal cubeName As String, ByVal loopMemberFilter As String, ByVal dataCellMemberFilter As String) As DimPK
    'Get the cube to query
    Dim cubeToQuery As CubeInfo = api.Cubes.GetCubeInfo(cubeName)
    If cubeToQuery Is Nothing Then
    Throw New Exception("Invalid cube name provided [" & cubeName & "]")
    End If

    'Build the DimPK for the Dimension used by the Loop Filter
    Dim loopDimType As DimType = Me.GetDimTypeForLoopMemberFilter(si, loopMemberFilter)
    Dim loopDimId As Integer = SharedConstants.Unknown

    'Get scenario type that we are looping over so that we can get the proper dimension the cube that we are querying
    Dim mfb As New MemberScriptBuilder(dataCellMemberFilter)
    Dim scenario As Member = api.Members.GetMember(DimTypeId.Scenario, mfb.Scenario)
    Dim loopScenarioType As ScenarioType = ScenarioType.Unknown
    If Not scenario Is Nothing Then
    loopScenarioType = api.Scenario.GetScenarioType(scenario.MemberId)
    Throw New Exception("DataCell member filter must include a valid Scenario Member for ranking.")
    End If

    'Get the Dimension ID for the looping dimension
    Select Case loopDimType.Id
    Case Is = DimType.Entity.Id
    loopDimId = cubeToQuery.Cube.CubeDims.GetEntityDimId()

    Case Is = DimType.Consolidation.Id
    Throw New Exception("Consolodation is NOT a valid looping dimension for ranking.")

    Case Is = DimType.Scenario.Id
    Throw New Exception("Scenario is NOT a valid looping dimension for ranking.")

    Case Is = DimType.Time.Id
    loopDimId = SharedConstants.Unknown

    Case Is = DimType.View.Id
    Throw New Exception("View is NOT a valid looping dimension for ranking.")

    Case Is = DimType.Account.Id
    loopDimId = cubeToQuery.Cube.CubeDims.GetDimId(loopDimType.Id, loopScenarioType.Id)

    Case Is = DimType.Flow.Id
    loopDimId = cubeToQuery.Cube.CubeDims.GetDimId(loopDimType.Id, loopScenarioType.Id)

    Case Is = DimType.Origin.Id
    Throw New Exception("Origin is NOT a valid looping dimension for ranking.")

    Case Is = DimType.UD1.Id
    loopDimId = cubeToQuery.Cube.CubeDims.GetDimId(loopDimType.Id, loopScenarioType.Id)

    Case Is = DimType.UD2.Id
    loopDimId = cubeToQuery.Cube.CubeDims.GetDimId(loopDimType.Id, loopScenarioType.Id)

    Case Is = DimType.UD3.Id
    loopDimId = cubeToQuery.Cube.CubeDims.GetDimId(loopDimType.Id, loopScenarioType.Id)

    Case Is = DimType.UD4.Id
    loopDimId = cubeToQuery.Cube.CubeDims.GetDimId(loopDimType.Id, loopScenarioType.Id)

    Case Is = DimType.UD5.Id
    loopDimId = cubeToQuery.Cube.CubeDims.GetDimId(loopDimType.Id, loopScenarioType.Id)

    Case Is = DimType.UD6.Id
    loopDimId = cubeToQuery.Cube.CubeDims.GetDimId(loopDimType.Id, loopScenarioType.Id)

    Case Is = DimType.UD7.Id
    loopDimId = cubeToQuery.Cube.CubeDims.GetDimId(loopDimType.Id, loopScenarioType.Id)

    Case Is = DimType.UD8.Id
    loopDimId = cubeToQuery.Cube.CubeDims.GetDimId(loopDimType.Id, loopScenarioType.Id)

    Case Else
    Throw New Exception("Looping Dimension Type is Invalid.")

    End Select

    Return New DimPk(loopDimType.Id, loopDimId)

    Catch ex As Exception
    Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    End Try
    End Function

    Private Function GetSubstitutedDataCellMemberFilter(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal loopMemberFilter As String, ByVal dataCellMemberFilter As String, ByVal memberName As String) As MemberScriptBuilder
    'Substitute the Entity and get the Data Cell
    Dim mfb As New MemberScriptBuilder(dataCellMemberFilter)
    Dim loopDimType As DimType = Me.GetDimTypeForLoopMemberFilter(si, loopMemberFilter)

    Select Case loopDimType.Id
    Case Is = DimType.Entity.Id
    mfb.Entity = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.Consolidation.Id
    mfb.Consolidation = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.Scenario.Id
    mfb.Scenario = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.Time.Id
    mfb.Time = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.View.Id
    mfb.View = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.Account.Id
    mfb.Account = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.Flow.Id
    mfb.Flow = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.Origin.Id
    mfb.Origin = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.UD1.Id
    mfb.UD1 = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.UD2.Id
    mfb.UD2 = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.UD3.Id
    mfb.UD3 = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.UD4.Id
    mfb.UD4 = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.UD5.Id
    mfb.UD5 = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.UD6.Id
    mfb.UD6 = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.UD7.Id
    mfb.UD7 = memberName

    Case Is = DimType.UD8.Id
    mfb.UD8 = memberName
    End Select

    Return mfb

    Catch ex As Exception
    Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    End Try
    End Function

    #End Region

    #Region "Helper Classes"

    Public Class MemberAndCellValue
    Public EntityMember As Member = Nothing
    Public CellValue As Decimal = Decimal.Zero

    Public Sub New(ByVal entityMember As Member, cellValue As Decimal)
    Me.EntityMember = entityMember
    Me.CellValue = cellValue
    End Sub
    End Class

    #End Region