Forum Discussion

AlvaroSR's avatar
New Contributor II
2 months ago

Customizing aggregation weight

The client requires us that aggregation is with an average method and not summing (this condition must be applied to all dimensions). For example: 

Oversea and Europe are aggregating summing (UD4 members), however, the client requires that the aggregation make an average of their children. Note that in column we have metrics (account members) where we need to apply it.

The result desired would be 5 %.

Thanks in advance.

  • If you want the parent account member to show an average of its children, then you would need to change it to a DynamicCalculation,  and supply a formula that computes the average.

    • AlvaroSR's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hi rhankey thank for your contribution. Really I need make an average in parents of base members (UD1 to UD6) and an account member that store that calculation. I was investigating if exist an aggregation average method instead of aggregation itself, but I didn't find nothing.

      • rhankey's avatar

        You are not finding anything as normal aggregation is the SUM of children, factoring in AggregationWeight, AccountType and/or PercentConsolidation of the children as applicable.

        To support having parents compute the average of the children, they would also need to provide options as to how to do so, such as including/excluding zeros, weighted/unweighted, mean, etc.

        If you write your average formula as a DynamicCalc, you can do so directly in the parent member, or do so in a new base level member that resides elsewhere.

        You could also do it as a cube stored calculation written to a base level member, but aggregating pre-computed averages up dimensions can make for some rather non-sensical results.