data change auditing
I had one of our head budgeting people bring me a question the other day and I feel awkward that I didn't know how to answer him.
He loaded data. He validated his 100k. The following day, he sees it's 75k. Neither of us has any idea how to tell who entered the data.
He emailed the group of users who have security access to that data and one user confirmed that she had in fact submitted the updated number but... we did have to ask.
Have I just lucked out and gone years without needing to do this so have become blind to a whole auditing feature I didn't know was there all along? Or, is it that recording per-cell auditing for every single edit is just impractical and there really is no way for us to do this? I don't see questions about it in Community. I don't even see any particularly relevant products/labels for this question! So, I'm at a bit of a loss. What don't I know that I don't know?
Edit: I do see a mention in the Foundation Handbook that data auditing is there and can be used to find the hypothetical 2% adjustment that a manager entered but there's not a single other reference to it in the book. Certainly, I can track down a lot of other activity like WF imports and data management job executions but if it were done via an xfsetcell or just submitting a quickview...?
You can right click on the cell and select Drill Down. From the drill down menu, you can get information about the cell by right clicking on the row and selecting Cell Status.
If it is not a base intersection, you can right click on the row and select All Aggregated Data Below Cell to view all of the records which aggregated into that row. On the bottom pane, you can then right click and still get the Cell Status or get audit results: