Data flip sign when exporting to Excel
Dear community,
We encountered a reporting issue: when exporting a cube view to Excel, one line of data will flip the signage.
In cube view, we have the Budget amount of (10,763), and the delta is calculated with GetDataCell(CVC(Actual column) - CVC(Budget column)), which should be 700, but the delta is showing (20,825) instead.
When exporting this cube view to Excel, the Budget amount becomes 10,763 (which is incorrect), but the delta is calculating correctly as 700.
For delta, the temporary solution is to calculate with GetDataCell(S#ACTUAL - S#BUDGET); however, the Budget amount would still flip the sign when exporting to Excel.
We use the Text1 property in the cube view to determine the expansion, TreeDescendantsInclusiveR.
For the formatting, we use the below parameters in the cube view: BackgroundColor = White, NumberFormat = [#,###,0 ;(#,###,0);"0 "], Scale = 3, ExcelNumberFormat = [#,##0,], ExcelUseScale = False
This happens in Budget for EntityA (a parent) in the last row, and all the descendants below Entity A behave the same. EntityA and all its descendants are set up just as all the other entities in the dimension.
At the moment, we are running out of ideas to check where the issue is coming from, and we want to understand the root cause of it.
Has anyone faced a similar issue before and would share the experience with us?
We appreciate any help you can provide.