Forum Discussion

HoneyGulati's avatar
New Contributor III
2 months ago

Default members in Quick View


I wanted to check if there are any ways where we can set the members for each dimensions in the quick view by default as per our need so that the user doesnot have to update eachmember everytime while creating new quick view. Currently it is pointing to None for UDs, can we set any specific member to default?

  • RobbSalzmann's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    Do you mean besides using the user's POV as the default from each dimension?
    Currently a new QuickView will start out using the user's POV for everything except Account.
    Account will be placed in the rows as A#Root.Children, and Time in the columns as T#POVYear.Months.

    Are you wanting to set up a 'default' that is not based on the user's POV?

    MindStream's Sheets for OneStream provides the ability to create user defaults and default templates for Quick Views in Google Sheets.