Forum Discussion

brprkr's avatar
New Contributor II
11 months ago

Did a budget import to OS, now having trouble pulling it into an excel using XFGetCell

Relatively new to OS and trying to figure out what may be preventing me from pulling newly imported budget data into an excel report via XFGetCell.

I've verified the data exists in OS using the dashboards.  Now I'm trying to compare the data from the Actual Scenario with the Budget data in Excel.  I'm able to pull the actual data without issue.  The Budget data, however is coming through as $0.  To troubleshoot I change just the scenario parameter in the formula from Budget to Actual and the Actual data pulls as expected.  So, I believe there must be a step I'm missing in the import to push it to wherever it gets grabbed by the GetCell formula.

Hoping someone out there has an idea.


  • brprkr  -

    1. Did you configured extensibility in your environment ? Make sure you are pulling the data from the right cube. 

    2. Check the POV and try to compare it with the XFGet & Cube View. Try couple of intersection from the base pov.

    3. Verify the data from data import for one period and pull the same intersection with XFGet.



  • Krishna's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    brprkr  -

    1. Did you configured extensibility in your environment ? Make sure you are pulling the data from the right cube. 

    2. Check the POV and try to compare it with the XFGet & Cube View. Try couple of intersection from the base pov.

    3. Verify the data from data import for one period and pull the same intersection with XFGet.



    • brprkr's avatar
      New Contributor II


      Thank you.  I had overlooked the data source parameter.  Actuals come from a different source than the manual budget import.