Forum Discussion

YanSavinsky's avatar
New Contributor III
7 months ago

Displaying user names on the workflow status report

We have a dashboard attached to the high level workflow that displays the status of specific steps within workflows. These dashboards utilize Report components adapted from the standard ones. While I understand how to make cosmetic changes to these reports, I need advice on changing the type of data displayed. In particular I would like to display the name of the user who certified the workflow step.

Thank you in advance.


  • NBolinger's avatar
    7 months ago


    I'm not aware of specific documentation on the whole table structure but it can be viewed in the application by navigating to System -> Databases in the UI. One of the tables you are likely looking for is CertifySignOffInstances. Alternatively, Table Data Manager is a SolutionExchange tool that can give you a more intuitive interface.

    You will notice that much of the information is stored by ID so you will likely want to join that up with the table that has the name/description to display that in the report instead.

  • Hello Yan Savinsky,

    The report you are looking at utilizes the WorkflowStatus Method query which does not include info on who certified the Workflow. To include that information, you would likely have to create a new Data Adapter utilizing SQL statements to query the application database tables or see if there is a different Method Query that may include that information. After the new Data Adapter is created and you have tested that it is pulling the correct information, you would need to add it to that WF_WorkflowStatus_Flash report component and then add the new field(s) into the report in "Report Designer."

    Secondarily, I can see in your screenshot that you have a process to "Close" the Workflow. I would recommended reviewing your process to make sure this is necessary. This is typically only necessary if you are making major changes to a Workflow structure and want to preserve the old structure in the audit tables. Closing a Workflow will take a snapshot and then that Workflow must be read from the database instead of in memory which will be a performance penalty.

    • YanSavinsky's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Thank you very much, NB.

      Do you by chance know of any resources that would give me the insight into OS table structure, so I can identify tables I need to query for the user names?

      We are aware of the performance penalty associated with closing periods. In our case we decided that it is worth it.

      Thanks again!


      • NBolinger's avatar


        I'm not aware of specific documentation on the whole table structure but it can be viewed in the application by navigating to System -> Databases in the UI. One of the tables you are likely looking for is CertifySignOffInstances. Alternatively, Table Data Manager is a SolutionExchange tool that can give you a more intuitive interface.

        You will notice that much of the information is stored by ID so you will likely want to join that up with the table that has the name/description to display that in the report instead.