Forum Discussion

Ole_S_P's avatar
New Contributor II
6 months ago

Drill down Chart in BI Viewer.

Hi  I have a problem with dril Down in BI Viewer.  Part of our UD1 is as follows:   BU1000 - EGMONT GROUP           BU1500 - Other Business line       ...
  • Ole_S_P's avatar
    5 months ago


    I have finally found a solution that is working. Thanks for the help.

    Definition of Column in Cube View:


    It is important to use Base. I this case ”Where(Text7=’ ’)” is used to exclude joint ventures and associates.


    Definition of Row in Cube View:


    IMPORTANT: It does not work using TreeDescendantsInclusiveR

     Data adapter:


    As Columns is base only use Outermost Row. It will only work if I loop on UD1.


    Bi Viewer:

    I have made a calculated field with RecOK with the formula: iif([Amount]<>0,'Value','Zero'). By this I can remove all companies with no amount in the drill down.

    The chart has the following filter:




    The UD1 levels should be sorted on amount:



    After sorting in reverse orden the graph looks like this. I can now drill down to sublevels in UD1 and finally end in a specification on Entity.