Forum Discussion

MarkBird's avatar
Contributor III
2 years ago

Dynamic Calc overrides the is 'Invalid' Cell Status?


I am using a simple dynamic calc to hide an derived data. See below:

The code itself works fine. However, in cases where the cell status was previously 'Invalid=True' is no showing as 'Invalid=False' which is impacting the suppress invalid rows setting on my cube view.

Any thoughts? Or does this sound like a bug in the system?


  • MarkBird's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi Jack

    Thanks for this. Unfortunately that won't work as I'm using the UD8 calcs to pull attribute information across all accounts on the cube view.

    However, I did find a solution. On the columns where I used the UD8 dynamic cals I set the "Use To Determine Row Suppression" setting to False.



  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    Happy to be proven wrong, but I think the result of dynamic calcs is never invalid. Even setting up a datacell object from scratch, other properties make it through but IsInvalid always reverts to False.

    As workaround, you can add a .Remove(YourCalcAccount) clause to the member expansion in the CubeView, or you can suppress NoData as well as Invalid.

    • MarkBird's avatar
      Contributor III

      Hi Jack

      Thanks for this. Unfortunately that won't work as I'm using the UD8 calcs to pull attribute information across all accounts on the cube view.

      However, I did find a solution. On the columns where I used the UD8 dynamic cals I set the "Use To Determine Row Suppression" setting to False.