Forum Discussion

Shub's avatar
New Contributor II
2 months ago

Dynamic POV in cubeview (Condition in POV)

Hi ,

I was wondering if i can have dynamic POV in a cubeview without BR.

Is there possibility of condition in POV for example I can put a param scenario and say whenever Budget UD1= Model and if Actual it should be 1000.


  • FredLucas's avatar
    Contributor III

    Hi Shub,

    If your scenario is based on a parameter then you could set up the " UD1 mapping" as part of a Scenario Text attribute (ex.: Text1) and then have the UD1 member on the CV being defined like this:
    XFMemberProperty(DimType=Scenario, Member=|!ScenarioSelection!|, Property=Text1).

    GetDataCell or Dynamic calc could be another way if it's a read only CV but in case the idea above does not work for your case, I'd probably go for an XFBR instead.

    Hope this helps.



  • Shub's avatar
    New Contributor II

    FredLucas Can you help me how to execute it... i am not sure how to use XFMemberProperty

    • FredLucas's avatar
      Contributor III

      Hi Shub,

      I meant something like this:

      Cube View POV: Scenario based on parameter selection and UD1 member based on Text1 property of the Scenario member.Scenario Actual defining the UD1 member as Finance (using the Text1 property)


  • Shub's avatar
    New Contributor II

    FredLucas It works for actuals only, if i select scenario budget it don't give me any result... for Budget and forecast should be U1# Model