Forum Discussion

Jacky_C's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Dynamic row header text based on another dimension in the member filter

Hi there, I am new to OneStream and would like to know is there any functionality to achieve below report output.

I have two sections in my reports, the first section would be a header displaying what is the account used, and the second section would be the account breakdown by cost centres (e.g., Cost Centre A, B, C). 

I would like to have report layout in column B as shown in below mock-up.

I tried using the :Name(|MFUD1Desc|), but it does not work as expected.

Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.


  • Noemi's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi Jacky,

    You can use row overrides in your column, in my example I have used two different accounts (you can have up to four using the overrides):

    I hope it helps.

  • RobbSalzmann's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    You can use an XFBR rule to use the account to lookup and return the cost centers associated with it.  

    • Jacky_C's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Hi - thanks for your reply. For the XFBR rule, is it possible to return all cost centers in the hierarchy, we would like to display all cost centers regardless there is data or not.



  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    This is one approach, there are likely more.

    First, set the Account in the CV PoV:

    Create two rows:

    Put the top or parent UD in your first row, pointing the header text to the POV Account:

    The second row will have your UD expansion:


    The only drawback of this approach is that the icon will point to UD2 on all rows; but this is not a problem if the CV will only be consumed as Excel or Report.



    • Jacky_C's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Hi - thanks for your suggestion and demonstration. It works perfectly when there is only one account used in the cube view. I am able to produce several reports with your method. Thanks a lot for the help.

      But if we have a report with multiple accounts (e.g., all expense accounts breakdown by cost centers), I cannot set the accounts in cube view POV. I wonder is there another approach for this scenario?

      Also, is it possible to have some rows display in cost centers while some rows display in product dimension? Thank you so much for the help.




      • JackLacava's avatar
        Community Manager

        There might be ways to hack around using Overrides, but I don't have enough experience with those to suggest a solution.

        For more complex layouts, you will have to look into using the Dashboard Report Component, which can produce "pixel perfect" reports in arbitrary format (might take a bit to master, although you can start from existing reports and tweak them), or Cube View Extenders, which allow you to lay out the report more or less any way you want (but with VB.Net programming).

  • Noemi's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I have not used substitution variables in my example, I simply put the name of the account (CV account or MF account would give me the account specified on the cube view POV instead of the one on my override definition)