Excel Add-in compatability in version 8.4
Hi everyone
We recently upgraded to OneStream version 8.4 and are generally enjoying the experience. I do have a question that I would like to pose to OneStream and the broader community. Within the "Fixed Issues" section of the version 8.4 release notes there was the following:
What was this intending to resolve? We have seen an issue when we try to connect to both the OneStream and EPM excel add-ins to retrieve data from both systems. When logging into the OneStream add-in, we get the following error message. The solution has been to disable the EPM addin, close Excel, relaunch it, login to the OneStream addin. Once we've done that, we can reenable the EPM addin, login to that, and then we are good. Until the next time.
Our hope was that setting the add-in compatibility filter to true, as shown below, would resolve the issue we are seeing. Unfortunately that is not the case.
I'm looking for any advice or detail on fix in the release notes, and whether or not we should create a ticket for this issue. Thank you in advance.
Mike Mackie