How can I filter accounts by the plug account property just like I can filter by other account properties such as text?
I am creating a CubeView and I need to show a series of accounts that have in common "x" plug account, but I am not able to filter accounts by the plug account property.
In a cube view, yes the where plugaccount = "XXXX" would be nice!
You can get all plug accounts by limiting A#XXX.where(ISIC = true).
To get a full list for a specific plug, I think I would use an XFBR. You can pass the name value pair of the plug you want, loop through all accounts in the hierarchy you want and create a string prefixed "A#" with all the account names where the plug account is the one you have passed.
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Overview The Standard Application Reports solution is a set of predefined reports that can be imported into any OneStream application and used for basic application reporting. Examples include: Application Analysis Intercompany Matching Journal Detail Metadata Changes Transformation Rule Change Workflow Status
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