Forum Discussion

Rithik_Prem's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Get Cube View Profile and Group Name using Business Rules

Is there any way to get the cube view profile and Group Name of the CubeView using Business Rules? Thanks.
  • EricOsmanski's avatar
    2 years ago

    Here is some code where you can loop through the rows of the data table and get the information needed (will have to change the "BalanceSheetCurrentPeriod_WF" to your CV Name):

    Dim sqlStatement As String = String.Empty
    sqlStatement = $"Select CubeViewItem.Name AS [Cube View Name], CubeViewGroup.Name AS [Cube View Group Name], CubeViewProfile.Name AS [Cube View Profile Name]
    From CubeViewItem
    JOIN CubeViewGroup On CubeViewGroup.UniqueID = CubeViewItem.CubeViewGroupID 
    JOIN CubeViewProfileMember On CubeViewProfileMember.GroupID = CubeViewGroup.UniqueID
    JOIN CubeViewProfile ON CubeViewProfile.UniqueID = CubeViewProfileMember.ProfileID
    Where CubeViewItem.Name = 'BalanceSheetCurrentPeriod_WF'"
    Using objDbConnInfoApp As DbConnInfoApp = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
    Dim dt As DataTable = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(objDbConnInfoApp, sqlStatement, True)
    For Each record As DataRow In dt.Rows
    Dim cvName As String = record.Item(0)
                Dim cvGroupName As String = record.Item(1)
                Dim cvProfileName As String = record.Item(2)
    brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "cvName: " & cvName & "     cvGroupName: " & cvGroupName  & "     cvProfileName: " & cvProfileName )
    End Using