Forum Discussion

OSAdmin's avatar
Valued Contributor
5 years ago

Has anybody had any issues using spreadsheets as components in dashboards?

Originally posted by Sam Richards


Has anybody had any issues using spreadsheets as components in dashboards? I have a spreadsheet that is a component and it will run fine and display the numbers correctly for a brief moment then it loses the number formatting. The only thing I can think of it that it is losing my parameter that controls the formatting for some reason in the dashboard component.

  • OSAdmin's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Originally posted by Chul Smith

    If you're using a parameter in a spreadsheet component, ensure that the parameter is in the dashboard itself. I think Tiffany just ran into this issue as well - we looked at it together and I think she resolved it doing that. If this is saying the same thing that Tommaso described above, then I'm being redundant.
    I just tested this and found if you reference the formatting literal parameters in the Display Format section of the dashboard, this will allow the formatting to pass through to the spreadsheet component. Can you test to see if this works for your business case? If it does, we will need to document this as a workaround.
    Yeah, it's a real pain to put all the formatting parameters used in the CV in the display format settings of the dashboard....but that's the only known workaround that I'm aware of. It was brought to the attention of the team DEV team about a month ago courtesy of Mike G and Surgery Partners.